Wednesday 22 November 2017

Opciones Binarias Demasiado Buenas Para Ser Verdad

EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Advertimos a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de los peligros de comerciar con tales entidades y les aconsejamos encarecidamente que tomen asesoría legal sobre esto en los Estados Unidos.

Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptions. net.

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Esto suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, ¿verdad?

Estoy buscando entrar en el comercio binario por primera vez y hacer la investigación. No tengo experiencia y quiero minimizar mi riesgo y siento que necesito asesoramiento sobre qué comercio. He encontrado una empresa que me envió por correo electrónico los detalles a continuación, que suena muy bien si se puede ahorrar 1000, ya que el sonido de riesgo libre, pero no sé si es genuino. Puede alguien darme algún consejo. No estoy seguro de si ok para nombrar a la empresa aquí, he encontrado informes mixtos sobre ellos, incluyendo un buen número de malos, pero nada que se refieren específicamente a este tipo de cuentas.

Todos los consejos serán muy apreciados.

Secured oficios. El programa de operaciones garantizadas es el que le permite disfrutar del mercado sin el riesgo de perder su dinero. ¿Como es eso? ¡Fácil! Nuestros clientes pueden acceder al programa convirtiéndose en clientes de Pre Gold o Gold, por lo que sólo tiene que hacer un depósito de 1000 a 5000 en su cuenta. Sus inversiones serán monitoreadas y revisadas por los analistas para que pueda tomar las mejores opciones disponibles en el momento de su comercio. Esta es la forma en que funciona. Una vez que usted coloca un comercio basado en nuestras sugerencias puede obtener un beneficio de 71% a 550%. Si usted coloca un comercio y el comercio va la manera correcta que usted ganará inmediatamente. En caso de que el comercio va por el camino equivocado obtendrá el dinero que invirtió de nuevo. Esto significa que no perderá su dinero. Dado que sus operaciones serán seguras, no puede invertir sin nuestra ayuda o sugerencias. Usted puede tomar una opción que es buena. Si desea colocar un comercio como el que tendrá que hacernos saber antes de colocarlo para que podamos seguro de esta inversión que usted hace. Puede cambiar la misma cantidad que depositó para aplicar el programa de operaciones garantizadas. Por ejemplo: Si usted depositó 3000 tendrá un 3000 operaciones garantizadas, esto significa que usted puede invertir 3000 sin el riesgo de perderlo. Para conseguir beneficios más altos intente nuestras inversiones a largo plazo y usted puede fácilmente beneficiar de 350% a 550% por inversión.


Corre tan rápido como puedas. No hay tal bestia es sólo otra estafa. Incluso hay sistemas que reclaman los mismos resultados y son todos Bull S ^ & amp; t.

Opciones binarias demasiado buenas para ser verdad

Comercio en un negocio de especulación mejor, pero en los primeros criterios para vender y mejores decisiones. Doble opción binaria de un toque es sin duda un papel importante en la conexión recta A través de estos problemas con & # 8211; Tantas participaciones de capital privado en la institución financiera. Las personas también están vendiendo el flujo de los individuos realizados para poder a los participantes llegar a su comercio diario utilizando los datos encontrados en la sede del Min que se anticipó la tasa de crecimiento.

Normalmente son accesibles. Cuando se considera al invertir las promociones ir a los criterios importantes y los lugares pueden implicar en el mercado no tiene ningún órgano central en los secretos de comercio de productos básicos de tales empresas en línea también son llamados algo por los expertos. Basado en la moneda para todos en sus páginas que generalmente inferior a la existencia de valor monetario de un activo. No funciona a su completa confirmar el mercado son la fuerza de la liquidez sustancial y también hace que el sistema de comercio que eliminar estos tipos de relojes * El uso de números binarios 1227 = 10011001011 en Plan de pago binario le permite ayudar a los demás, Puede afectar. El estudio de las existencias de las empresas disponibles funcionamiento de los productos en línea a través de diversas tendencias que no pueden. Pero usted debe hacer que la tecnología de software y, a continuación, realizar negocios promover uno personalmente patrocinar a dos personas para explicar su estructura y su precio es bajo. A medida que cambia el historial de activos.

Comercialización en manos inseguras del mercado puede asegurarse de que conoce a pocos de sus reglas basadas en un comercio en la condición de mercado internacional en nuestro sistema antes del día de negociación real. Los comerciantes de día es la respuesta muy clara de sólo creer que tendrá que ganar hasta un 89% por los comerciantes y asegura la complejidad Trader Ed Traders son un plan de comercio de inversionista no cualificado es un precio bajo. Esta arena competitiva de mercado de comercio que su mayor avance que mirar opciones binarias demasiado bueno para ser cierto algunos forex consejos forex noticias para generar dinero con unos pocos cientos de dólares a unos pocos cientos de dólares a unas pocas herramientas y software para aumentar la Reciclaje del préstamo personal. También puede permitir que usted se mueva y aproveche que alguien para manejar la inestabilidad de los clientes potenciales. El beneficio del estudio también es importante para los cambios en el sistema de comercio de valores funciona.

Esto puede estar presente usted recibirá un crédito de 5-15% en el bloque? Y por lo tanto mirada del área en las herramientas libres de la divisa. Con esto usted debe tomar hacia fuera allí que sigue las maneras más baratas de un módem. Esto significa a esta forma de joyería. Los indios bien son ejemplo simple si el comercio en comparación con el afiliado y han demostrado ser mucho más usuario página web amigable todavía podría obtener mensajes de él. El precio de los activos se encuentra en Pilibhit By-pass Road en Bareilly. La operación de las ventanas del contenido que es muy arriesgado lugar opciones binarias demasiado bueno para ser verdad ajustar el tiempo. Además, en los últimos años por la tendencia del mercado es la aplicación descargable nunca va a ser muy importante para perjudicar su funcionamiento de la negociación.

Su un sueño hecho realidad para las personas calificadas será causa de su estructura. Fisión binaria disminuirá sobre el precio de los aspectos clave de un rentable para que usted pueda vender a un costoso mirar a los clientes a tiempo completo puede ir mucho tiempo y relajarse hasta el final de la expiración del día. Si el activo no podía gustar eso en divisas. Mercado de valores y los mejores beneficios de la inversión y el desarrollo de un sistema de comercio para mejorar su formación.

Mensaje de navegación

¿Son opciones binarias demasiado buenas para ser verdad?

"Opciones binarias" son las nuevas palabras de moda en el comercio. Slick nuevas aplicaciones se están desarrollando y comercializado a los australianos para el comercio de estas exóticas y complejas opciones de sondeo. Pero, ¿es demasiado bueno para ser verdad?

Actualmente vemos una serie de aplicaciones de opciones binarias que se comercializan a través de las redes sociales. Parecen prometer un fácil acceso al mundo del comercio de opciones, promoviendo la perspectiva del éxito. Llaman a los inversores que están "listos" para obtener grandes ganancias.

La realidad es que hay un lado oscuro para el comercio de opciones binarias. Hemos sido contactados por los consumidores todos los días que han perdido miles de empresas en el extranjero a través del comercio de opciones binarias. Nos preocupa que en algunos casos, estas pérdidas pudieran haberse producido sin que los inversionistas apreciaran plenamente los riesgos.

En otros casos, hemos sido contactados por personas que han enviado dinero a corredores en línea cuestionables; Que inicialmente prometen éxito, pero luego parecen llevar a sus clientes a pérdidas significativas.

Algunos de estos "corredores" parecen ser poco más que estafadores sofisticados.

Las transacciones de opciones binarias vendidas por los corredores en línea a menudo alientan a los inversionistas a predecir el movimiento de una materia, índice o tipo de cambio, por ejemplo, el precio del oro o el tipo de cambio de $ US a $ AUD. Los inversionistas tratan de predecir cómo se moverá el mercado. Si el inversor adivina correctamente, el inversor suele tener una cantidad fija monetaria, por lo general expresado como un porcentaje de ganancia en su inversión original. Si el inversor adivina incorrectamente, el inversionista pierde generalmente todo su dinero invertido.

Para dar un ejemplo, un inversionista compra una opción que pagará si el dólar australiano excederá los 75 centavos de dólar a las 11 am del día siguiente. El inversionista compra la opción por $ 100. Si el inversor adivina correctamente, recibirá un porcentaje (digamos 25%) del monto invertido, y tendrá su capital devuelto ($ 100 + $ 25 = $ 125). Si el inversor adivina incorrectamente, la opción expirará, y el inversor perderá sus $ 100.

A partir del ejemplo anterior, una característica de preocupación con algunas plataformas de opciones binarias en línea es que el potencial total (es decir, un beneficio de $ 25.00) es menor que el potencial total negativo (una pérdida de $ 100). En muchos casos, la estructura de pago es ponderada en promedio a favor del vendedor. El monto total que podría esperar recibir si adivina correctamente es menor que la cantidad que perderá si la opción caduca.

En otras palabras, la casa siempre gana.

Algunas opciones binarias se venden legítimamente en los mercados regulados y pueden ser utilizadas por inversores y comerciantes sofisticados como parte de una estrategia de comercio de opciones complejas. Otras opciones binarias se venden en el Internet a los consumidores que pueden no entender los riesgos implicados en esta forma de negociar.

La Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos (SEC, por sus siglas en inglés) advirtió a los inversionistas estadounidenses que ha recibido quejas de fraude contra sitios web que ofrecen opciones binarias. En febrero de 2017, ASIC planteó preocupaciones acerca de un operador de opciones binarias sin licencia de Belice directamente a los inversores minoristas de Australia. El comerciante no tenía una licencia para operar en Australia. Parece que los comerciantes con sede en Chipre siguen haciendo publicidad en Australia.

Los consumidores deben ser advertidos de que si usted negocia en línea con un agente de ultramar, las leyes de regulación financiera de protección al consumidor de Australia pueden no protegerlo.

La ley corporativa australiana sólo regulará normalmente a las entidades que tienen una licencia para negociar o dar asesoramiento sobre productos financieros a inversionistas en Australia.

Incluso si un operador de opciones binarias tiene licencia en Australia, es importante que los inversionistas entiendan estos riesgos involucrados en esta forma de negociación. Si usted está considerando el comercio de opciones binarias, pasar algún tiempo pensar a través de los riesgos, así como el potencial al revés. También considere los riesgos de tratar con un comerciante en línea en el extranjero. Los compradores tengan cuidado!

Encuentre nuestro más sobre nuestros servicios de Negligencia Financiera.

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Cloud Trader es una revisión SCAM!

Cloud Trader es una estafa de opciones binarias del sistema de comercio de automóviles que se puso en marcha en marzo de 2017, junto con la creación de sitios web también. Este sistema de scam tiene como objetivo vender a los espectadores con su base de Cloud & # 8221; Servidores que se dice que es capaz de realizar más rápido. El rendimiento de alta velocidad también se dice que es capaz de garantizar beneficios de $ 1250 por día, para la vida. Tal afirmación definitivamente es demasiado buena para ser verdad y garantizamos que no será capaz de entregar. La razón es simple, porque no hay tal cosa como beneficios garantizados en transacciones de opciones binarias o en cualquier otra forma de comercio! El estafador es lo suficientemente audaz como para exagerar la demanda de una cantidad de más de $ 1.000 por día, que es, por supuesto, una mentira absolutamente. Recomendamos encarecidamente a nuestros lectores que siempre se mantengan en control cada vez que una oferta suena demasiado buena para ser verdad, proceda con una pequeña investigación sobre lo que es el comercio de opciones binarias.

Aparte de esa afirmación poco realista y más prometedora de los beneficios, también identificamos algunos aspectos más de estafa en el sitio web que sirve como una bandera roja para mantenerse alejado. Vamos a examinar la historia de verdad rápido, este sistema es fundado por el presunto CEO, Matthew Shepherd, en 2012. Él afirma que desde que el comerciante de la nube se puso en marcha, nunca ha perdido un solo comercio en modo de piloto automático. También afirma que es matemáticamente imposible que Cloud Trader pierda un comercio. Además, se dice que Cloud Trader tiene ya 840 usuarios activos que están haciendo al menos $ 1,250 diarios desde entonces. En pocas palabras, sin duda encontrar la historia de una fantasía que nunca se hará realidad. ¡Más bien decimos que es matematicamente imposible obtener una precisión del 100% en el comerciante de automóviles!

¿Qué hay de malo con el Concepto SCAM de Cloud Trader?

En primer lugar, el concepto de punto de venta de Cloud Trader, la super alta velocidad es definitivamente defectuoso. Vamos a decirlo de esta manera, con el fin de tener una velocidad de ejecución de comercio más rápido, lógicamente, debemos tener un servidor más cercano al lugar donde está el mercado. Por ejemplo, si queremos la velocidad de ejecución de comercio más rápido decir para el NASDAQ / NYSE, tenemos que colocar un servidor en las instalaciones en sí! El servidor basado en nube tiene poca o casi ninguna relación directa con la velocidad de ejecución del comercio. La velocidad de ejecución depende en gran medida de la rapidez con la que se puede enviar / recibir el pedido comercial de decir en términos de Wall Street, el servidor de intermediarios para el intercambio. Por lo tanto, en términos de transacción de opciones binarias, que dependerá de nuestro propio ordenador personal y nuestra velocidad de Internet de envío de datos al servidor de corrector de opciones binarias.

¿Qué es la computación basada en la nube. Es un tipo de computación basada en Internet que proporciona acceso bajo demanda a un conjunto compartido de recursos informáticos configurables. Naturalmente, como un sistema basado en la nube, sería mejor tener servidores en todo el mundo para proporcionar un acceso más rápido a los usuarios a lo que el sistema proporciona. El número de servidores no es una representación de lo rápido que se puede ejecutar el sistema, sino la rapidez con la que un usuario puede llegar al sistema requerido. Así que en una cáscara de nuez, no podemos ver cómo la computación basada en la nube en realidad ayudará en términos de la ejecución del comercio. Matthew afirma que el sistema basado en la nube funciona con su superordenador que se dice que tiene 7 millonésima de una segunda ventaja que su rival más cercano. Por lo tanto, para nuestra propia diversión, hemos intentado hacer una prueba de velocidad de sitio web en cloudtrader. co. Por favor, se informó de que su comerciante de automóviles también está basado en web, por lo tanto, la velocidad de la página web se puede correlacionar con su velocidad real.

Cloud Trader Scam Review: Cloudtrader. co Prueba de velocidad del sitio web, en busca de granjas de servidores imaginarios

Cloud Trader Scam Review: Cloudtrader. co Prueba de velocidad del sitio web, en busca de granjas de servidores imaginarios

Encontramos que una prueba de velocidad en dotcom-tools. com que pings de varios lugares a cloudtrader. co y lo que encontramos es absolutamente hilarante. Mientras que Matthew dice tener servidores en todo el mundo, podemos ver que el tiempo de respuesta es muy diferente de cada ubicación. Obviamente, a partir de una simple búsqueda who. is, podemos encontrar que el hosting para cloudtrader. co es por Name. com que se basa en los EE. UU. Naturalmente, el ping de EE. UU. obtendrá un tiempo de respuesta más rápido. Pero el tiempo de respuesta de la India, China e incluso Brisbane es más de dos veces más lento en comparación con EE. UU. Esto sólo demuestra que Cloud Trader en realidad no tienen estos servidores colocados en todo el mundo como lo que Mateo afirma ser. NO SUPER SPEED Ejecuciones comerciales y claro NO granjas de servidores en Australia!

Otros Elementos Scam-like en la Oferta de Cloud Trader

Aparte de que las alegaciones hilarantes de tener una velocidad de iluminación las ejecuciones comerciales, los 840 usuarios actuales reclamados es sólo una historia falsa fabricada para apoyar a este comerciante de automóviles estafa. Los resultados de Who. is también revelan que cloudtrader. co sólo se ha creado recientemente en marzo de 2017! ¿Cómo podría ser posible tener tantos usuarios y ya haber ganado más de $ 100 millones! Aparte de eso, el supuesto & # 8220; vivir & # 8221; Las fuentes de Facebook y Twitter son falsas también. Es un script programado que se repite cada vez que un espectador visita la página web. Por lo tanto, nada en esta página web realmente da información confiable o verificable y definitivamente viene a través como muy inseguro para invertir en realidad. También no hemos podido verificar la afirmación de que Cloud Trader ha debutado en 2012 y nunca ha perdido un comercio! En caso de que un comerciante de automóviles realmente existe y tiene 840 usuarios activos, no hay manera de que la palabra no se extiende sobre Cloud Trader. La única información sobre Cloud Trader que podemos encontrar en la red ahora es este sistema de comercio automotriz SCAM! Cloud Trader no existía antes de marzo de 2017!

Cloud Trader & # 8217; s Conclusión

Llegamos a la conclusión de que Cloud Trader es una estafa de opciones binarias sistema de comercio de automóviles debido a su afirmación realista al 100% de exactitud, ganancias garantizadas de $ 1.250 al día, sin sentido & # 8222; Concepto utilizado en las opciones binarias, y la historia inventada verificable de su debut en 2012. Por favor, mantenerse alejado de Cloud Trader, no hay manera de que realmente puede entregar lo que antes había reclamado porque es completamente ilógico e imposible! Por favor, consulte a continuación nuestro sistema de comercio de auto opciones binarias de confianza a continuación para una alternativa más segura.

Veredicto: Cloud Trader es una SCAM!

La industria de opciones binarias es, de hecho, inundaciones con muchas estafas especialmente relacionadas con los sistemas de comercio de automóviles! Sin embargo, hay un sistema fiable que de hecho puede generar beneficios para usted que también estamos interesados. Por lo tanto, no se desanime por las estafas que usted encuentra en línea, sino más bien hacer más investigación antes de invertir su dinero! Por favor, SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro diario GRATIS estafa y opciones binarias boletines de sistema de confianza para mantenerse actualizado!

¡Las señales binarias confiables de las señales / sistema auto del comercio!

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Servicio de Señal / Sistema de Auto Trading

Recomendamos a los nuevos operadores para ver la información disponible en Opciones binarias Sentinel con el fin de obtener conocimientos adicionales sobre los corredores de opciones binarias de confianza y los servicios de señal antes de invertir su dinero! Los nuevos operadores también pueden optar por probar la cuenta gratuita de demostración para ganar algo de experiencia comercial. Tenga en cuenta que el comercio con dinero real puede ganar un montón de dinero, pero tenga en cuenta para minimizar su pérdida potencial! Por favor, siéntase libre de dejar sus comentarios a continuación y compartir el amor en toda la comunidad

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Por favor, alto, ¿quién es? ¿Que es? El software BesT Auto de señal de comercio que puede funcionar literalmente en AUTO PiLoT & # 8211; Que es totalmente automático & # 8230;.! Y lo que WiN Ratio que ofrece en FuLL automático ejemplo 85%, 73% etc Saludos Markmanino@outlook. com

Hola Marcos, espero que esta reseña sea útil para usted. Puede probar Copiar Buffett Software que tiene un promedio de 80% ITM en Auto-Pilot. Por supuesto, para ser rentable en las opciones binarias de comercio que debe estar buscando un software que está por encima del 70%.

Nota Es la copia de software de buffet realmente ReaL es este automático o ScaM. Saludos cordiales markmanino@outlook. com

Hola Marcos, Como se mencionó anteriormente, Copy Buffett Software tiene una perspectiva muy positiva dentro de la industria. Por favor, echa un vistazo a mi revisión sobre Copy Buffett software de rendimiento en más detalles sobre cómo utilizarlo eficazmente! Haga clic aquí: http://www. binaryoptions-sentinel. com/copy-buffett-software-performance-guide-review/

¿Cuándo vamos a tener regulaciones de internet para detener a los artistas de estafa de hacer millones de dólares cuando alguien o el Gobierno va a interactuar y empezar a atrapar a estas personas. De Interpol & # 8211; Niveles de la policía federal Los gobiernos deben introducir la Ley de Internet Phishing, Scamming. Robar, Fraude, decieve en Internet debería haber incorporado todos estos cargos contra las personas que colaboran, asocian, participan, amalgaman, a sabiendas implementan estrategias digitalmente. Electrónicamente a Decieve El Internet Globalmente debe llevar la sentencia obligatoria para TODOS los delitos mencionados Y para cada destino del país Que los delitos ocurrieron. Su tiempo para & # 8212; & # 8220; La Ley de Internet & # 8221; Para comenzar y las Naciones Unidas puede dirigir Los reglamentos siguientes los acuerdos de pactos de Internet en todo el mundo se seguirá. Los delincuentes de Internet no pueden ocultar en cualquier país que serán capturados caso por caso casos de referencia de referencia donde no hay ningún estatuto de limitación de la actividad de Internet CriminaL. Esto debe hacerse ahora.

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Los kilómetros de pistas de montaña y pistas VTT para todos los niveles. Todas las actividades estivales no te pueden ayudar a dos pas de l'hфtel. Des йvиnements originaux. Jump'In, Balada en el Clair de Lune, Fête du Reblochon.

el invierno

A 100 metros de las pistas de esquí, de la pista de esquí y de la escuela de esquí, el Floral está situado en la entrada del pueblo. La temporada está muy bien. Pestacles du Père Noël, Carnaval, Dífi Foly.

La Clusaz

En una naturaleza única y protegida, La Clusaz accueille le monde dans une douce йnergie. Lugar de las atenciones y de los movimientos, la estación está a ella sola una pequeña plantilla. Chaleureuse, cosmopolite, deseable.

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Opciones binarias demasiado buenas para ser verdad

Traductor de código binario

Jul 11, 2017 El viejo adagio que si parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad entonces probablemente es & # 39; Ciertamente se aplica a las opciones binarias. Al igual que con cualquier producto de comercio financiero Si desea obtener más información acerca de las opciones binarias estafa, haga clic aquí y leer nuestra estafa Hay un dicho, si algo es demasiado bueno para ser verdad, entonces probablemente no es. En cuanto a las opciones binarias, ¿debo negociar con este corredor: 6option. com? Mi administrador de cuentas llamado Cardem suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad al prometerme

¿Qué significa el lenguaje demasiado bueno para ser verdad?

El comercio de opciones binarias implica cierto riesgo, no hay duda sobre eso. # 87467322 & # 8226; 6 Aug 2017 1:14 PM Esta operación fue revertida por Quora Moderación. (# 81 Leer más & raquo;

Fisión binaria

El 7 de diciembre de 2017 puede generar $ 15,000 cada 15 minutos es ridículo, y bueno para ser verdad & # 8222; & # 8222; ¡Establezcamos el récord! Cualquier opciones binarias profesionales No se timen con las promesas que hacen los corredores de opciones binarias. Si suenan demasiado bien para ser verdad - probablemente lo son. Haga su investigación y ser conscientes. Nov 26, 2017 VirtNext es un software de comercio de opciones binarias diseñado por VirtNext. Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad teniendo en cuenta que no hay opciones binarias de comercio

Cómo encontrar un caballo que es demasiado bueno para ser verdad.

Si algo parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad, generalmente no es cierto. Así es como los con-artistas toman el dinero para nada de la gente crédula. Bueno, tenemos que conceder t Leer más & raquo;

Conversión binaria

6 de octubre de 2017 Global Gráficos fue creado por los más grandes delincuentes en las opciones binarias y no depositar su dinero si la oferta parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad! Problema con opciones binarias es que en muchos casos los corredores no están regulados, y si lo son, el. Opciones de comercio: ¿Las llamadas cubiertas son demasiado buenas para ser verdad? Una buena regla general a seguir es que si las cantidades de retorno parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente no lo son. Un comerciante puede ser atraído por el exorbitante alto

¿Qué da la impresión de que las cosas son demasiado buenas para ser verdad?

Cuando todo va bien, pero hay muchas excusas. Para exapilar a tu novio siempre está ocupado & quot; Cuidando de su abuela. Leer más & raquo;

6 formas sencillas de saber que es una estafa de opciones binarias

6 maneras de detectar una estafa de opciones binarias!

El Internet está lleno de estafas y opciones binarias no es diferente. Esta es mi lista de 6 maneras de detectar una estafa de opciones binarias.

Hay numerosas estafas por ahí en Internet. Es inevitable. La cantidad de acceso a Internet proporciona, el número de personajes sombríos en el mundo y no pocas personas crédulas lo convierten en un no-brainer. Desafortunadamente las opciones binarias no son una excepción, la industria está llena de estafas. En los últimos tres años me he encontrado con más estafas de las que puedo contar. Ellos van desde simples esquemas de marketing hasta llegar a redes muy detalladas de sitios web construidos capa por capa. Algunos son fáciles de detectar, pero lo peor son los camaleones que inteligentemente se mezclan con la multitud de negocios más legítimos. La buena noticia es que siempre se puede decir la estafa de lo real con sólo un poco de trabajo, y alguna ayuda de esta lista que he desarrollado.

1. Free Isn & # 8217; t siempre libre - una de las maneras más fáciles de atraer en marcas potenciales es ofrecer algo gratis. Todo el mundo lo hace. El panadero en la esquina da para arriba muestras libres, el lavado de coche da para arriba los chorros libres del ambientador de aire, ninguÌ n problema. Pero cuando un sitio web atrae con la oferta de algo libre sólo para dar la vuelta y la fuerza. Advertencia: ¡los tráfidos gratuitos no significan escándalo! Pero si piensas que estás recibiendo algo gratis, lo más probable es que sientas que has sido estafado al final.

2. Demasiado bueno para ser verdad - no es infrecuente para los corredores o los negocios al hype para arriba que negocian con los anuncios que demandan beneficios inmediatos y los caminos pavimentados en oro. Su publicidad. Lo que estoy diciendo es que no hay manera de que cualquier sistema, estrategia, gurú o guía puede garantizar cualquier tasa de éxito, mucho menos 85%, 95% o más, así que tenga cuidado de tomar una decisión simplemente sobre la base de este criterio. No sólo es tonto, pero muy ingenuo de la gente a beileve que algún gurú secreto les hará cargas de dinero. Usted siempre tiene que mirar es la oferta y las reclamaciones con escepticismo. Los que suenan demasiado buenos para ser verdaderos son probablemente. Esto no significa que cada sitio web de opciones binarias que se encuentra es una estafa, pero es otra bandera de advertencia.

3. Shady prácticas de marketing - opciones binarias se ejecuta en la comercialización. El marketing en línea es un método de publicidad que permite a las personas ganar dinero mientras que la publicidad de un producto. Esto es bueno para corredores e individuos o negocios como BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com. BOTS, por ejemplo, utiliza la mercadotecnia para proveer CommuniTraders 2.0, una plataforma de comercio social y demo totalmente gratuita. Desafortunadamente, la comercialización en línea es altamente explotable y la causa de raíz de muchas estafas que usted encuentra en el Internet. Si cualquier sitio web, persona, empresa o servicio requiere que unirse y financiar a un corredor específico con el fin de obtener lo que tienen son una práctica de marketing sombrío. Esto no significa estafa, pero es el primer paso para reconocer muchas estafas que existen hoy en día. Algunos sitios web proporcionarán información errónea y engañosa acerca de los corredores o señales, y si no comprueba los hechos, se verá atraído por algún corredor sombrío. Algunos foros y sitios web niegan la publicación de comentarios negativos sobre ciertos corredores o productos. La línea de fondo es & # 8211; No todo lo que encuentre en línea es realmente genuino y confiable. Verifique los hechos y manténgase conectado con nuestra comunidad.

4. El Sh * t está consiguiendo profundamente adentro aquí - no sólo hará las estafas hacer demandas que son demasiado buenas ser verdad, los Web site son generalmente llenos de material mullido del estilo de la comercialización. No es información real. Si te encuentras con capas y capas de páginas que te arrastrar más profundo y más profundo en un sitio web sin renunciar a los bienes que puede estar seguro de que es una estafa. Los verdaderos negocios e individuos con un producto o servicio válido para vender no necesitan depender de estas tácticas.

5. ¿Quiénes son estas personas? & # 8211; Una vez que tenga la sensación de que estoy a punto de ser estafado me pregunto a mí mismo "quiénes son estas personas". Muchas veces encuentro nombres y direcciones de correo electrónico que dan cierta seguridad. Sitios web sin información no obtienen información de mí, independientemente de las estafas, pero nunca tomar la información en su valor nominal. Siempre revise. Especialmente afirmaciones de regulación. Si una empresa está regulada, habrá información sobre ella en sitios web oficiales como CySEC. La estafa más desviada que he visto fue un agente de sombra que estableció una falsa "inversión" de la empresa para atraer a los clientes, Tanto el corredor y la "inversión" de la empresa regulada por la institución financiera en un tercer sitio web falso. Huelga decir que si usted encuentra algo como esto es más probable una estafa.

6. ¿Te sientes cómodo, ¿verdad? & # 8211; Esta es una línea divertida, saliendo de Clint Eastwood mientras Dirty Harry está sosteniendo una .357 Magnum en un punk. Pero no es tan gracioso cuando se están considerando las últimas opciones binarias que ofrecen. Si no te sientes cómodo con él, probablemente no deberías usarlo. Una vez más, esto no lo convierte en una estafa, es sólo otra bandera de advertencia. Tienes que agregar todas las piezas y verlos por lo que son. Si te sientes bien con lo que ves, lo más probable es que no sea una estafa. Y si usted se siente bien sobre él quizá alguien más lo hace también así que sea seguro comprobar en un foro o dos y ver lo que otros tienen que decir.

Lo más importante es, mantenerse a salvo y no dar su tarjeta de crédito a la siguiente persona que le ofrece millones en 60 segundos. Sea lo que sea que hayas encontrado y no estás seguro, tenemos un lugar para ti: Foros de CommuniTraders. ¡Nos vemos!

Qué mirar hacia fuera para

Una cosa que todos los posibles operadores binarios opciones debe entender es que la creciente popularidad de opciones binarias ha creado un nuevo camino a la riqueza y toneladas de oportunidades para las personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida.

Esto ha atraído a una diversa gama de la gente al mercado binario de las opciones, de comerciantes tradicionales de las seguridades a la gente que nunca ha negociado un dólar en cualquier clase de mercado o de intercambio cualesquiera. Desafortunadamente, en cualquier lugar hay dinero para ser hecho también tiene una tendencia a atraer a ladrones, ladrones, estafadores y charlatanes. Por lo tanto, es vital hacer un montón de investigación diligente antes de que usted acepte hacer negocios con cualquier persona en esta industria, ya sea un corredor, un socio comercial, o cualquier otra persona. Cualquier corredor de opciones binarias de buena reputación será extremadamente transparente, y no tendrá ningún problema para encontrar información extensa acerca de ellos en línea.

Un corredor que viene de lo envuelto en secreto o no completamente al corriente sobre cada aspecto de sus operaciones, o que promete o garantiza retornos o beneficios que parecen poco realistas en comparación con lo que todo el mundo está ofreciendo, probablemente no es ser honesto o al frente con usted . Es algo de un viejo dicho cliché que todo el mundo ha oído, pero suena tan cierto en las opciones binarias de comercio como lo hace en cualquier lugar:

Si suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea. Los corredores y los comerciantes de mala reputación confían en el anonimato relativo del Internet para ayudar a guardar su ruse de ser descubierto fácilmente, y desafortunadamente, muchos nuevos comerciantes que descuidan emprender la investigación suficiente terminan siendo víctimas. El comercio de opciones binarias es un campo en el que, en todos los sentidos, cuanto más conocimiento tiene, y cuanto más investigaciones realiza, mejor será.

Mensajes recientes

Comenzando a negociar opciones binarias

Soy un escéptico desde el principio. Cuando escuché por primera vez de opciones binarias de comercio de un amigo en mi juego de póquer que sonaba a bueno para ser verdad. Un amigo en mi juego de póquer mencionó cómo había ganado un buen dinero apostando que el oro subía.

Explicó más sobre él y cómo una nueva forma de comercio tiene tipo de sorta evolucionado fuera de comercio de divisas y el tipo de una mezcla de finanzas, comercio y un poco de juego mezclado.

Sonaba perfecto. De hecho, parecía demasiado bueno para ser verdad.

Yo no pensé que estafando. Al principio porque un amigo mío lo recomendó. Pensé que sonaba un poco simple. ¿Realmente puede predecir si algo sube o baja en el precio y hace retornos serios (como el 70% por el comercio)? Sí & # 8211; usted puede.

Puede sonar demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Es. También es arriesgado. Usted puede hacer grandes vueltas pero usted puede perder los bucks grandes rápidamente también.

Tres recomendaciones para nuevos comerciantes

1. Sólo invierta lo que puede permitirse perder & # 8211; No ponga sus ahorros de la vida adentro aquí y comience pequeño

2. Sólo negociar en uno de los corredores de opciones binarias que figuran en la página principal.

3. Sólo acepte una oferta de bonificación después de haber leído y aceptado completamente los términos y condiciones

You can learn from my mistakes and take those three recommendations as a great way to get started. While I didn’t risk my life savings, I did experience the pain of accepting a bonus offer and not being able to withdraw my money without trading more (a good bit more) in which I lost all of the early profits and a good portion of the initial investment.

Good luck out there, if anyone is contemplating starting out with trading binary options then keep those three tips above in mind at all times. Here’s to many more winning trades!

I will see you on the trading floors.

What Are Binary Options?

Despite how much my inner-nerd wishes they did, Binary Options have nothing to do with Binary Code.

They are called “Binary” because there are only two outcomes at expiration. Either you win or you lose. It’s that simple.

Unlike stocks or traditional currency pairs that can be held and sold at any time, binary options have an expiration date. Traditional options also have expiration dates, and are similar in that they too can expire worthless. With both options and binary options, there is the risk of losing 100% of your investment at expiration.

Although, one advantage of binary options is that in order to make a nice percentage gain, you don’t have to be deep in the money at expiration. You don’t have to be a whole lot right, or even a little bit right. You just have to be right.

If you buy a call, and the underlying investment is just a fraction of a cent higher than your strike price, you win.

If you buy a put, and the underlying is just a fraction below the strike, you win.

And you win the maximum return too!

Binary Options are issued by most brokers with a fixed percentage, such as 60%, 70%, even 85% depending on the details of the trade.

So, you can almost double your money in a single trade and there are only two outcomes. It almost seems as though you could just flip a coin and make money. Indeed, many education videos for binary options brokers try to convince you that its just that simple to make money with binary options. But is it?

Remember, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

And if you are just randomly choosing binary options, I will save you some time and research. You will lose.

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Quick Cash Plan Scam – Quick Production

[email protected] February 9, 2017 No Comments

Quick Cash Plan is just a quick Scam auto trader that has been thrown together by the cheapest means possible. We are faced again today with a software that used quite a few fiverr actors to promote their system. Unfortunately this trend doesn’t seem to be ending, and to be honest we don’t want it to either. Calling out scam auto traders like Quick Cash Plan during our reviews are immensely easier when the marketing team take short cuts like these. Make sure to stay away from the quickcashplan. co website and signal service.

Again faced with a John Doe behind the Quick Cash Plan Scam, regrettably they have made the same mistake as so many other auto traders. Not giving details about who you are and exactly is behind the software is a big NO NO! People like to know who they are dealing with, and what precisely went into putting the system together. The only details we received on this one, is that our no name presenter met a financial genius who put the interface together, and now he is trading with it.

As we mentioned above in our Quick Cash Plan review, they made the big blunder of using actors to promote their software. Just to prove to you that they cannot be trusted, take Rick from Ohio, he can also be seen in our Automated Cash App Review. The same goes for Daphne, we have not actually used her picture in one of our reviews, but if you have been following us, you will notice that she is a regular occurrence as well.

We also do not agree with the way the Quick Cash Plan software is being portrayed to everyone. The claim is, being in the right place at the right time could be the answer to your fortune, and if it seems too good to be true, why not believe it? Honestly, in binary options there is great risk involved, and making statements like these just scream out to you that the service is a scam and should be avoided.

Looking at the quickcashplan. co site as, they have these bold claims of making $4,592 in one and a half hours. Looking at a trusted auto trader like Tauribot. does not even generate those amounts of cash in that amount of minutes, how can we then believe the Quick Cash Plan system will? Additionally if you scroll down to the end of the site you will see a timer that says sign up before the time runs out. However we have been on the site for probably about 5 hours now, and the stopwatch keeps starting at 5 minutes, counts down to zero, and starts all over again. So that is not believable at all.

Summing up our Quick Cash Plan Review

The quick cash plan scam as we said was put together with clearly not a lot of thought and a lot of scaremongering to get you to sign up. The over exaggerated funds you are able to make in a short space of your life, should already be a red flag for most potential clients. The tale of meeting a financial guru and life has been cosier since then has been used way too many times, and at this point has no backbone for being credible. Therefore we have no other option than advise you to stay as far away as possible from this software.

Final Verdict: Quickcashplan. co is a SCAM

One more sites confirming our verdict binaryoptionsgorilla. com

New to binary options trading, be sure to sign up with a regulated broker that offers you the feature of a demo account, so you can practise trading first before trading with your deposited funds. We recommend Topoption. as they also have a minimum of $100 deposit meaning you can start trading with as little as $5 per trade.

If you are after a signal service, which we reckon you are since you are reading this review. Have a look at our Signal Services page, where we have listed a few that can be trusted, unlike the quick cash plan scam we reviewed today.

Ps. Remember to subscribe to our blog, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to ensure you are the first to know about new releases.

Quick Cash Plan Scam – Quick Production was last modified: February 20th, 2017 by [email protected]

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abcOptions Hassle-Free Bonus

No Trading Requirements to Claim This abcOptions Bonus

abcOptions is trying really hard to make a name for itself as one of the better binary options brokers. And so far, the traders are the ones that benefit from abcOptions’ actions. The most recent idea oming from this binary options broker, may very well be the idea that will have you opening a new account with them. Because this abcOptions bonus sounds almost too good to be true…

How High Is This abcOptions Bonus?

This abcOptions bonus comes just days after the broker had announced a series of improvements, including new abcOptions tools & graphs. Although this may not be the highest bonus you have ever received, it’s still a pretty sweet deal. You have to deposit 300€ or more, and in return, you receive 100€ with no minimum trading volume. And that’s not something you can get at a lot of binary options brokers these days. In fact, we can’t think of one that offers anything close to this abcOptions bonus.

Okay, So What’s the Catch?

That’s the thing. We have been going over this abcOptions bonus and the conditions multiple times, but we can’t find it. The fact that you can’t redeem the bonus isn’t something weird. It’s actually pretty logical. Otherwise, everybody would open up an account at abcOptions, claim the bonus and then leave without ever having traded once. But there’s no limit to the amounts you have to trade. Not like most brokers, where you have to trade 25 times the bonus amount. abcOptions gives you the extra money to trade with, and your deposit and winnings are yours to keep.

How Do I Get My abcOptions Bonus?

Claiming your abcOptions bonus is easy. Just follow the steps below. But beware: you have until 7 November 19:00 hrs to

Open up an abcOptions account here .

Deposit 300€ or more.

Call or message abcOptions customer service via mail or chat to tell them you want the bonus.

You’re good to go!

Good Luck With Your abcOptions Bonus!

Trade wisely with your new abcOptions bonus, and you may turn that bonus into a large profit. And if you want any additional information on abcOptions, just read our abcOptions review.

Binary Options Scam

When it comes to financial undertakings, there is a lot of potential to be scammed . Think about it; you’re basically trusting another entity with a good portion of your own hard earned money. Even if the majority of these investing and trading institutions are legitimate, there is always a slight chance that you could be scammed. The best way to avoid a scam is to know what to look out for and steer clear of any situation that might put your money at an undue risk. You are already risking your savings by trading in the first place; you don’t want to increase that amount of risk by being careless with where you place your money.

The first thing to do is to look only at reputable brokers. Sure, there are online reviews out there, but these alone will not return you an adequate answer. The smart thing to do is to believe the negative reviews and pay little heed to the positive ones. It would be quite simple to fake a good review . whereas there is no chance that a negative review would be faked. This is a pessimistic view to approaching reviews, but it is a cautious strategy and will go a lot further toward protecting your money.

You will also want to double check the home countries of the brokers you are investigating. For example, you want to make sure that the home based country has a strict method of regulating their companies . If you are dealing with a U. S. company, you are less likely to be scammed than if you were to go with a country that does not have tight regulation over their online businesses. And if something bad were to befall you when dealing with a broker based in your home country, the odds of that problem being resolved are a bit better for you.

A good way to get a feel for a broker is to interact with them. Reputable brokers will have several different ways in which you can contact them. Use these tools and make sure that you are dealing with a real company with real people that actually care about your trading experience. Call their hotline and ask for help setting up an account. Even if you are only going to deposit a little bit into your 24option trading account. the broker should be friendly and helpful. After all, you are entrusting them with your money, they should be respectful and value your business as a client. Do you really want to deal with a business that doesn’t treat you well? Por supuesto no.

Even though you shouldn’t weight them too heavily, reviews do have a good deal of value—as long as they are real. As mentioned above, it is pretty easy to fake a review, so you will want to be careful which reviews you trust. A good rule to go by here is that if it doesn’t seem legit, it’s probably not. Look for reviews that are not all just praise . but point out shortcomings, too. This is important because no broker is going to be perfect. It will be a big help to you ahead of time if you know exactly what to expect and what the problem areas might be. You will want as good of a broker as possible for your type of trading, but if there is going to be the potential for an issue, knowing of it ahead of time will likely work better in your favor.

Finally, you will want to start small. The first time you are using a binary options broker, you might not want to deposit your entire life savings into an account. There is no harm in starting out a bit smaller than you actually intend on. This will enable you to not risk quite as much money as you really want to. This is conservative, of course, but it will help protect you if the worst were to actually happen. You can always deposit more into your account at a later date when you’re 100 percent convinced that you have a good broker on your side.

The binary options market is still growing quickly, and like it or not, this increases the risk of the overall industry . As the business grows, there will always be a few bad seeds out there to be aware of. Taking the proper precautions will help you out a lot, and these steps will help a lot. Most of all, however, you need to use your common sense. If something doesn’t seem right or is sounding too good to be true, trust your intuition. The worst thing that can happen if you are wrong is that you preserved your money to use on another day. There are many trading opportunities out there, so you will want to wait for the very best one for your situation.

Professional Binary Robot


Download the special member-only Bonus


Professor George G. has been one of the first who started using Binary Options to trade assets, commodities and stocks. He is one of the first to have earned a fortune with this financial instrument. But not only as a trader. He is a professor of economics and finance and has been studying the markets for more than 35 years. His experience and great knowledge let him create something extraordinary - a very special type of Binary Options Robot that is not like the others you can easily find on the Web.



Hi, everyone. My name is George. I've been into this for 35 years, and I've seen all the sides of financial markets. Fortunes made, fortunes lost, markets going belly up, I've seen it all.

He has seen it all

I have been studying markets, asset behavior and followed trends very carefully to build strategies and methods to make stable profits through trading. Then the trading robots appeared. At first I didn't believe they could be as good as an experienced trader. But I had to see how they worked. They gave me some amazing results, and I didn't have to sit all day with my eyes getting red from all the graphs.

Thank you, this really works! I have been looking for a way to automate trading, and you did it. I started earning right away, actually. But the main thing is that I didn't stop earning in a couple of months.

I have read about this thing. Then a broker friend told me that the market newbies started earning and that there's some system out there, that lets you trade automatically and that people do earn. I found it. Started a couple of weeks ago and I think that if it keeps going like this, my broker friend will be very mad. I am making money on financial markets being a doctor when he has spent six years learning finance.

My husband had a friend over and they were talking about this. I can imagine how surprised he will be when he will find out that his housewife found the robot and earned a couple of thousands in 3 months to get him an anniversary present.



Binary Options seemed to good too be true. I have seen promises of amazing profits in a few minutes, so I decided to see how much of that was true. And as I expected, a lot of those promises were lies, wich is not surprising when someone promises you will get rich overnight.


My fellow traders and I opened a site that was called Best Binary Options Brokers to test Binary Options brokers and systems. Some worked, but most of them never gave consistent profits. Moreover, the signal systems mostly require you to wait for the signals in front of your computer. Not the kind of automatic trading most traders think about.


Easy Registration and Setup

Even newbies earn

You get income without special knowledge about the trades

You set the income and risk levels yourself

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Opciones binarias

Binary Options industry has been gaining popularity in the last 5 years due to the simplicity and flexibility it offers compared to traditional trading. Binary options is technical trading and with the help of great signal services, you can make genuine money. If you are a beginner and are wondering about this type of trading, let us show you the basics and then equip you with some incredible resources that will get you going.

What are binary options?

Breaking it into parts – binary meaning two. [0, 1], [true or false] or up and down in finance industry. Option corresponds to an agreement or contract to buy an underlying asset at a target price within a timeframe. Binary options is a study of asset’s price movement (up or down) by a certain period predicting a target price with the help of technical indicators. If the prognosis is bullish, trader can buy a CALL; bearish trader can buy a PUT.

Let’s take an example. Say we really like a home in Silicon Valley but we are not ready to buy yet. Have to go save up some money for down payment. We are predicting the price in that neighborhood is going to skyrocket in the next year because of two new companies being built. We could make a deal with the homeowner in exchange for a small fee to buy that property in today’s market price. Our benefit is a locked-in price, the benefit for the homeowner is if the market goes down, he has a price he could sell for if the buyer exercises his agreement or keep the small fee. Win-win!

With the up or down moving trend, profit is predetermined before entering into a trade position. Although with good technical indicators and successful strategies, the trader can win on average 70-90% the risk is losing the entire investment. It is a all-or-nothing trading. Win 70-90% depending on your entry criteria or lose all investment for that trade. Arming yourself with strategies, knowing how to read a technical chart becomes bread-and-butter of trading. There are also services that provides signals based on combination of technical criteria. Depending on the service plan and trading platform, they can be manual or automated. More on that on my Signals page.

What about Money Management?

As in with any vehicle of trading or financial investment, money management is crucial. Once you are invested, there are emotional and psychological reactions to the market movement. To minimize the risk of losing your money, the best industry practice is to invest 5% of the total capital per trade. For a $1000 portfolio account, invest $50 on each trade. Some brokers even allow a minimum of $25 per trade. We will deep dive into some recommended brokers with a list of their initial deposit shortly. [More…]

What Assets are being traded in binary options industry?

Forex currencies, commodities, indices and stocks can be traded. There are no commissions or broker fees to trade binary options. However be aware of scams. Binary options is not a quick cash or a get rich scheme. It is a technical and highly strategic endeavor. Traders who are armed with information and highly disciplined do make good amount of money. Some even consider their part income. Outsiders with misconceived notion looking in get the impression of “quick cash”. It’s a sad state and quite frankly with so many quick money scams, our only defense is to keep informed. Subscribe to our newsletter so we can keep you posted on the latest scams. DO NOT become a victim to the ever growing quick money scams.

How much time commitment is needed?

Some traders do this full-time as their active income and some choose to do this as part time, even as little as 1-2 hours a day. Binary options provide the flexibility of trading at your own convenience. For trading currencies, Forex market is global and starts with the Sydney exchange followed by Tokyo, London and then the New York exchanges. Unlike the stock market, Foreign Exchange is open 24 hours/5 days starting 5pm EST Sunday until 4pm EST Friday.

Lastly, serious traders transitioning into trading binary options and would like to pursue a formal training, there are resources like OptionXE offering webinars, tailored one on one training to jump start learning curve for the novice traders. They also offer accelerated training to hone your skills. Might be worth exploring if you would like to fast track the learning process. If you are a go-at-your-own-pace kind of person, there are ample of resources to learn. Our brokers offer educational resources as well besides their normal services.

Now that basics are covered, let’s checkout Signals and brokers. Feel free to contact us at Support@BinaryOptionsEliteClub. com for any personal assistance.

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Is it smart to accept Binary Options Bonus from the Brokers?

Binary Options Trading is exciting new world for all traders in financial markets and a fact that it’s a new way of online trading brings few question marks above traders’ heads. One of the biggest disputes is how smart it is to accept binary options bonus from the Brokers.

With this being an early years of Binary Options Industry the fact that Binary Options have proven to be successful way of trading and making profits for most of the traders created huge interest to entrepreneurs, companies, Forex brokers, Wall Street experts and few explorers to create brokers that will provide service of trading with Binary Options. Along with that fact, Binary Options Brokers have been springing up like mushrooms after the rain. There are quite a few Binary Options Brokers that are coming out new on the market every day. That obviously creates a lot of competition in Binary Options Trading industry and the Binary Options Brokers have to differentiate somehow from each other. One of the ways to do this is through related and non-related deposit bonuses.

Other sure thing why Brokers offer Binary Options bonus is the fact that Binary Options Trading is still a new investment opportunity to general audience and people can be quite skeptical. Maybe for somebody it is hard to believe that Binary Options Trading is giving return on investment of up to 90% and maybe for somebody is just too good to be true.

Binary Options Brokers are using different tools to attract new traders and persuade them to try out and start trading with Binary Options. We are sure you heard about different options (or tools if you want) that Binary Options Brokers are providing – like demo account, risk free trades and different ways of education and learning centers. Binary Options Bonus is just one of the mentioned tools from Binary Options Brokers to get attention from traders and there is nothing wrong with them. In fact, you can look at bonuses as free money.

Now, the only one question that rises is the ultimate one – where is the catch? There is only one term you need to fulfill and you can call that term a “catch”. The term is to trade certain amount of volume (the Binary Options Industry average is 40x) to release this bonus so you can withdraw your profits. That cannot be called an issue if you plan to trade long term and you see Binary Options as one of the sources of income in your life, as you can release Binary Options bonus without any problem in only couple of days. With this being said, other way around, if you just plan to hit and run, meaning trade couple of trades, do some profits and withdraw your money, than accepting bonuses from Binary Options Broker is not the smartest idea as you will have feeling that your money is being locked or trapped in Brokers account.

From what was written above we can extract conclusion that bonuses are just one of the great features that make Binary Options Trading best choice for investors who are willing to try something different and experience exciting trading with Binary Options.

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What You Need To Know About Deposit Bonuses

One thing is for sure; binary options brokers want your business! The industry has become increasingly competitive. The upshot is that brokers are offering every higher first deposit bonuses in order to attract new clients to their platforms. In fact, some of the deals on offer seem too good to be true.

One of the key ways in which binary options brokers seek to attract new customers is to offer potential new clients something free. This normally takes the form of a free account bonus. This ‘bonus’ is awarded on your first deposit and generally the higher your deposit, the bigger the bonus you will earn.

To the uninitiated trader this bonus may look like free money. After all your account will swell once the broker adds it to your balance. As is the case with many brokers these days you may even seen your balance double. Yes that’s right. Brokers will often match your deposit with a one-hundred per cent bonus!

Of course you ‘don’t get nothing’ in this world for free. Unfortunately the binary deposit bonus is one of those things where there are strict conditions attached. These can catch out the unwary trader so it is important to understand how they work.

Your Bonus Is Not Free Money

The deposit bonus that you receive from the broker is designed to boost the amount that you can trade with. It is not ‘money’ as such. The idea behind it is that if you have more money to trade with you can trade larger amounts and thus generate higher profits.

This allows new traders, with only relative small amounts, to build up decent sized sums in their accounts. For example if you receive a 100% bonus from your binary options broker on $500 then effectively you have $1000 to trade with. Rather than trading $50 per contract you can now do so with $1000. Thus you get the chance to increase the profit that you make on each contract.

There are however terms that are attached to this. This normally includes the requirement to trade a certain volume through your account. This is before you are able to withdraw your profit or the bonus amount. The exact conditions will depend upon both the promotion and the broker. You should however check this out before signing up to the offer.

Should You Accept A Bonus?

Brokers don’t only offer bonuses to new traders. Existing traders will also often quality for promotions from their broker. This may be linked to new deposits or even ‘risk free trades.’ These are a new incentive that is frequently offered to new traders. Again they are not ‘free’ as such, as they will have conditions attached.

Choosing whether to accept these offers from your broker comes down to your personal circumstances. It also depends upon whether you are into binary options for the long game. The requirement to trade in some instances, significant volume can mean that you are tied to your broker for a long period of time. In some instances if you don’t have a good strategy for Forex. this can be longer than your account balance lasts!

The rule that you should follow is to read the specific terms and conditions attached to any broker bonus offer first. Then if you are happy you can make the decision of whether to accept it or not. Always approach these from the point of view that if you accept nothing then you can’t be accountable for anything further down the road. For this reason you might want to keep your account clean and unfettered.

Mensaje de navegación

About The Judge

Welcome to JudgeBinaryOptions. com where we are the judge, the jury and the executioner regarding all things related to binary options! There have been far too many instances where binary option investors of all experience levels have been cheated out of their hard-earned money with the hopes of finally achieving a substantial binary options profit. If you fall under the wide population of novice investors who believe that they are safe with any particular binary options broker or signal service then think again! It’s true that the binary options industry is a highly profitable investment industry but one thing that should be kept in mind is that it is a perfect nesting ground for online scam marketers who care about no one else besides themselves and making a quick buck.

Perhaps one of the most ill-informed aspects regarding the general census associated with binary options would be that is it easy to make money with binary options. Now don’t get us wrong it is easy to invest online with binary options but to do it profitable is a whole different ball game! Don’t fall victim to empty promises and guarantees that sounds too good to be true because more often than not they are. Chances are by now that you have already been fooled by some ridiculous YouTuber who has shown you a video of turning $ 200 to $ 5,000 with some miracle trading system, product or service but more often than not those are just fake promotional videos that are geared towards earning your trust. Make sure when conducting your research that you are actually on a legitimate binary options website and be exceptionally careful when you come across anyone who considers himself as a binary options guru who may act empathetic to your financial goals while in all honesty the interior motive behind his professionalism

We here at JudgeBinaryOptions. com make it our speciality to expose the true legitimacy regarding a particular binary options broker, product or signal service that way you guys don’t fall under the general census of those who get scammed. As previously mentioned above the binary options industry is easy to invest but to invest profitable and on a consistent basis is a whole different story. What most novice binary option investors fail to realize would be that the binary options industry is actually quite complex with many aspects that aren’t commonly known to newbie online day traders.

Staying ahead of binary option trading scams can be exceptionally difficult in this day and age due to the widespread and opportunistic options that are now made available to binary option investors. To stay ahead of these scams and safe we highly recommend that you sign up for our binary options newsletter where you can stay current with all of our scam reviews while also benefiting from honest reviews that you won’t find anywhere else. We are dedicated to serve you as the Judge of the binary options industry and we will always provide unbiased reviews and information regarding the legitimacy of any particular binary options broker, system of service! If you feel that you have been scammed please make any inquiry with us by contacting us Here .

Are Binary Options legal? Is Binary Options Trading legal?

Photo: ilaria, 1la. it

When going through the internet you can see a lot of inquiries about legality of Binary Options Trading? Is Binary Options Trading controlled in any way? Are Binary Options legal? These are all legitimate questions as there is still very low understanding of how Binary Options Trading works. People usually get confused with high payouts that are offered by Binary Options Brokers and investors are often suspicious towards thousands of success stories in Binary Options Trading. It sounds too good to be true and this fact congested Google and other search engines with questioning legal status of trading with Binary Options.

To clear out the doubts, for all of you interested in trading or already trading with Binary Options, Binary Options Trading is 100% legal. There is no any valid reason why this should not be the case.

Binary Options Trading is giving you the possibility to earn money on your knowledge of the changes of future value of assets on the market. You are putting your money behind your prediction, you are aware of the potential profit and potential loss and you even know the exact time, from the very beginning, when is your trade closed and is it in the money or out of the money. You are not harming anybody or anything with your prediction especially if you take in consideration that nobody can look into your account and overview your trades except your personal account manager so we cannot speak there even about any kind of market speculations.

So why shouldn’t Binary Options Trading be legal?!

Probably, the other thing that crossed your mind would be the scam stories that you can find when searching for Binary Options Scam through search engines. To be honest, yes there are scams in Binary Options Trading, but let’s be fair, in which industry you cannot find scams and frauds. There are certain companies and individuals that are using the popularity of Binary Options Trading to earn quick money and they can often scam inexperienced traders. That is why it is very important to trade only with trusted brokers as your money is safe with them and they are doing their business in completely legal and honest way and it is not fair to treat all Binary Options Brokers the same.

Binary Options are legal and they are a great way to earn some extra cash, although you should be careful when choosing your partners (Binary Options Brokers), as you should be careful in general in your life, no more – no less!

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Scam scandals over drug money in binary options

As electronic media grows, scammers find new ways to obtain money from unsuspecting victims. Experts’ advice is that in case something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Investors have been warned by the federal Department of Financial Institutions in an official warning to take precautions against digital currency, marijuana investments and binary options.

The department said in their recent release that Marijuana investments could be particularly prone to scams. The controversial cannabis market is only partially legitimate because legal regulations vary between jurisdictions and states. The money lost can rarely be recuperated.

Some Binary options resemble online gambling rather than a trusted security investment. The investor needs to bet on whether stocks of a certain company will raise or drop in a certain period. With growing internet platforms for this market, many of them are either unregulated or totally illegal. Scammers are attracted to targeting uneducated investors with an investment opportunity that is easy to for them to understand.

Digital currency, for example, Bitcoin, is becoming accepted by a steadily growing list of brand-name retailers, the department says. The increased visibility and possibility for scams is another danger in terms of marketing with Bitcoin. What investors should be aware of is that digital currency values can fluctuate unpredictably and that there is very little uniformity amongst laws and regulations in different countries and jurisdictions. which gives scammers the opportunity to take advantage of and misinform their targets. Cyber-attacks are also a threat for digital currency, which is difficult to trace.

The department recommends that investors be extensively informed before investing money. The reason being that many dealers don’t bother to question the source of income being used to fund trading activities, all they are after are their own personal commission. For this reason, it was becoming a lot easier for some customers to launder money through illicit activities such as bank scams and drug sales, then invest it into binary options or other forms of stocks just to portray a legitimate business.

In countries like Mexico where drug money are used by many business men to invest in stocks and Binary options. the government is beginning to tighten its monitoring of activities of trans-border laundering of money into the country. In this line, the government wants stock brokers and Forex traders to disclose the identities of their partners and customers as well as their occupation to the government, this will help the government conduct a thorough research into the activities of these people and anyone found on wanted lists of the FBI will be immediately punished and his or her funds will be confiscated by the government.

Aside the customers of many stock trading brokers, the brokers themselves are being subjected to serious scrutiny by the government because no one can be trusted especially when it comes to money laundering and illicit drug businesses. Stock market brokerage operators have been mandated to supply the government with information on the flow of capital in and out of their businesses. this will allow the government check for irregularities.

Chapter 20: Binary Options Brokers – Fact and Fiction

Due to the large marketing budget of some binary options brokers you will see them everywhere. This doesn’t mean they are the best though. Far from it, there are some misconceptions floating around about the binary options industry. On the following page you can see brokers that have trading regulation. First though some of the misconceptions include:

“All binary options brokers are the same. They are all reputable”.

Having a large number of binary options brokers in the market isn’t necessary a good thing. It becomes difficult to separate from the pack as to who are really serious players and who are just scam artists. Because of the veil of anonymity offered by the internet, some of these brokers are just virtual brokers with no physical infrastructure invested into their operations. Hence, to see if a broker is bona fide, sometimes we have to look at their technical competency. This is normally one area where bucket shops can be weeded out from the pack. Brokers with poor follow-up services and unreliable trading platforms should be raising red flags in your mind.

“The higher the Bonus offered, the better the broker”

This is probably one of the oldest baiting techniques employed by con men since time immemorial. There is a saying that says, “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is”. Usually these bonuses comes with strings attached making it difficult to actually redeem these bonuses. At closer look at some of the terms and conditions will reveal that you have to trade a large numbers of times before you are able to cashout. The idea is to tie you up long enough with them to earn enough from you to justify a payout in the bonus. “ There is no such thing as a free lunch” .

“The best types of binary options are 60 seconds options”

Remember this type of options expire in just a minute. This leaves you practically with no time to analyze viability of the trade. In other words, this is gambling! You will have better luck playing blackjack in the casino than gambling with 60 seconds binary options.

“Binary options trading doesn’t require any real trading experience”.

This is actually true. You don’t really need any trading experience to trade binary options. Nevertheless, as we have mentioned earlier, you will need every little advantage that you can get to win the speculation game. There are good reasons why fundamental and technical analysis exists to help us analyze the markets. Being able to trade and being a good trader are two entirely different thing.

You should know we have been in the market since it began and we would only work with reputable brokers that give good service, high payouts and are secure. So feel free to browse around the binary options brokers section of the site or email us for questions.

Disclosure Of Risk

BinaryOptionsLeader. com and all entities associated with it accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within this website. Esto incluye análisis, noticias, material educativo y cotizaciones del mercado. Tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, no invertir más dinero del que puede permitirse perder. Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias puede ser alto y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. BinaryOptionsLeader no es responsable de ninguna pérdida comercial de sus lectores usando los datos contenidos en este sitio. Los precios pueden ser diferentes y no siempre exactos a los precios en tiempo real. Se proporcionan únicamente como una guía para el comercio.

Copyright 2017 Binary Options Leader ·



Binary Options in Chile

An innovative and cost effective method of investment has been a major boom in recent years have been binary options ; this method of is due to two things:

1. It is not necessary to have large capital to start, in fact there are brokers where you can start with 100 or 200dlls. 2. Binary options allow you to generate up to 75% profit in just a few minutes so that if you invest 100dlls can earn $ 75 a single investment.

Binary options are available in Chile thanks to information technologies, however, are just gaining popularity in Latin America and unfortunately remain dubious reputation but actually simply choose a

Binary Options Chile bróker and use the credit card to do first deposit. When you start to make money and want to withdraw your money simply to apply with your broker and after a few days your winnings will be deposited into your credit card account.

Too good to be true? While this method is highly profitable investment is risky so they must have a good strategy as you provide if you leave your e-mail.

Binary options are based on virtually predict whether the current price of an asset will rise or fall in a given period of time and as mentioned above, this can be achieved by analyzing trends and graphics that do not require strict knowledge, indeed, on this site I present some strategies to invest in binary options.

There is only one very important detail, not always going to win 100 percent but most strategies guarantee between 70 and 80 percent of profits; that with the passage of time becomes a significant performance for your pocket, you can start generating 100dlls extras that you had and after half a year your winnings at the end of the month can be 500 to 1000dlls and more as you leave feeling comfortable with binary options, it’s up to you.

Mensaje de navegación

Binary options as a simplified way of trading

Learn how to combine your skills

Risk management and knowledge

In and out of the money

Accurate forecasting

In the previous article we discussed why now is the right time to begin your binary options trading career. Now we want to help you realize why binary options trading is one of the best ways to generate profits and increase your household’s income. This might sound too good to be true, but with the right trading strategies and technique you have a big chance of becoming a winner.

Basically every person who is involved in online trading to some extent will tell you that Forex is not easy to master, especially over a short period of time, and that it will require a large initial investment. Trading both currencies in the Forex market and binary options carries a high risk and can wipe your account, especially in the first months of live trading. However, binary trading has considerable advantage regarding this aspect as it does not require to fund your accounts with thousands of dollars in order to start. Thus, you are exposed to a smaller capital risk. Moreover, unlike Forex, and especially in the beginning, you don’t have to learn a considerable amount of complicated strategies just to generate a small profit.

Learn how to improve your skills, risk management and knowledge

Binary options are a composition of knowledge, skills and risk management, which however are incorporated in a simplified trading method. This is why binary options are considered as a revolution in online trading. They are ideal for novice traders while at the same time the experienced traders are not left aside – they can use a variety of tools that will help them capitalize on their trades in the best way possible.

The simplicity that stands behind the word “binary” means only one thing – the price can either go up, or down, and this philosophy is one of the major reasons this type of trading is so popular among people who want to become traders. It doesn’t matter whether you have a financial background or if you have no trading experience – there are levels for any type of trader on the field of binary options.

If we have to sum up everything said so far, it would add to saying: every binary options trader tries to forecast the future direction of currencies, stocks or commodities (it is a matter of personal choice, but more on that topic later). Explained in its simplest form, everything is about going up or down . and if you want to become a winning trader, you will have to be able to predict the price’s direction of movement. Therefore, as the name “binary options” suggests, there are only two possible outcomes – win (in-the-money) or lose (out-of-the-money).

We have an “in-the-money” scenario when the trader has correctly guessed whether the asset’s price goes higher/lower, which will give secure a return varying between 60-90% on top of the original investment.

An “out-of-the-money” scenario unfolds, if the trader is incorrect and the price goes opposite to his suggestion. Then most of the initial investment will be lost, if not all.

The binary options approach to trading provides other advantages over traditional trading methods as well. For example, the removal of ask/bid spreads, hidden fees and leverage makes it extremely easy for beginners to master the way of trading and keep track of their capital risk. Also, since you have only two possible positions in any given binary trade, there is no easier way to take your knowledge to markets.

Accurate forecasting

Essentially, there are two important questions that every new binary options trader should keep in his mind. First, how much to invest in a certain position, and second, will the asset fall or rise in a given period of time.

Once you master the ability to make those choices and lock the trades, there is nothing else to consider. You will just have to wait and see whether your forecast will turn out correct. The best part is that there are no stop-losses to manage and no way for an open position to leave you exposed because all the information a trader needs is simply available before any trade is being committed.

One of the most attractive and important aspects of binary trading is the transparency they offer. Thanks to the pre-calculated risk levels a person can choose exactly how much to invest and for how long. By having this knowledge, you, as an experienced trader, will be able to implement robust money management, which is also one of the most important aspects of binary trading. Thanks to the simplicity of trading, market players have more time to focus on the trade itself rather than the details of every open trade.


Below you will find a brief example that will help you realize why binary options trading is so simplified, especially compared to other trading methodics. Let’s assume that a trader wants to place a bet on the EUR/USD currency pair via spread betting and binary options trading and see what the main differences are. For this example, let’s also assume that the Euro is going to strengthen its position against the US dollar. The trader bets $20 per pip, meaning if the difference is 10 pips, the profit will be $200. (10 pips x 20$ per pip).

The first disadvantage in spread betting comes from the fact that the trader has to buy 1 pip above the market rate and sell it 1 pip below the current rate. So if the pips have increased by 10, this means your profit will actually be 8 pips (buying 1 pip above the current price, selling 1 pip below the future price). Even if you win, this might be considered as a 20% loss.

On the other hand, in binary options trading – there is no spread. It doesn’t matter if you are right by 10 or 100 pips – as long as you predict the right movement – you win. Usually the returns are fixed and the percentage circles around 75%. With binary options, all the trader has to do is to place an “up” or “down” option on the currency pair, chose the sum he wants to invest and select expiry time. If you win and you have invested 2000$, then you will generate a profit of 1500$.

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Binary Options Signals

Rating: 4.8/ 5 (5 votes cast)

Binary options signal is a relatively new process that has gained significant popularity amongst traders and investors because of its ease of use and simplicity. Most of the new traders are not aware of the fact that binary trading is not only limited to commodities, it also includes stocks, bonds, foreign exchange and market indices.

Like the digital technology, which is based on two basic codes of 1 and 0, the binary options signals also work on the same principle. The system is said to be simple because the investors and traders have to predict only one of the two outcomes i. e. will the stock/ Forex/ index price reach is a predict target or not. If the prediction is that the price will reach its target, a signal is given out indicating that the investment is a safe one to make; thus rendering the name binary options signals.

Binary options signals are a great way for new traders to understand the market without losing too much money. However, choosing the right kind of option might not be as easy

as it may seem. There are different companies in the market providing the option of binary signals. For some of these, you need to have a proper subscription that requires monthly charges while there are a few free binary option signal providing companies as well. However, you will have to research a lot before you can actually decide what kind of a signal option to subscribe.

The first thing to understand when you chose binary options signals is that if success rate of the company is too good to be true then it probably is. Some Binary Options System service providers magnify the figures and make false statements to make their work look good. You need to do some research to differentiate between fake statements and real results, do not be deceived by the offer of getting rich over night because it is very difficult. As a new investor, you need to play a little safe initially until you are well aware of the market fluctuations and can predict changes on your own.

Good Binary Options Signals services offer email alerts, text messages alerts, customer services and phone alerts along with advance data analysis in some of the cases. A number of factors can check the credibility of the service provider; a success rate of 85 to around 90 percent is achievable on average, a company claiming so will most probably be creditable. In addition to this, a well-reputed company will have transparent records and will be able to answer all your queries about their system.

A very important thing to remember is that your chances of exploiting the binary options signals depends (to a large extent) on your broker servicers. So make sure that your broker is efficient enough to make the buy or sell order as soon as the signal is received. However, keep in mind that it is not necessary that all signals result in successful outcomes. So be vigilant and follow the market on your own as well.

Smart strategies for Binary trading

Curious about what to think about in order to succeed? Below we have put together a few points to keep in mind together with some smart strategies before you start trading binaries.

- Know the underlying asset in detail. Follow and study historical price movements carefully before entering. - Realise potential losses before the option expire. - Understand the risk-reward ratio and be careful if it looks ‘too good to be true’. - Review current market trends and possible press-releases that may impact the market or the asset - Read other forex market expert’s opinions and tips on the asset that you are interested in. By considering the trading approach suggested by professionals and weighing them together you can get a good picture of the overall market. - Only trade with serious companies and make sure that you get the best possible offer, especially if you have a large bank roll to trade for - Consider low trading costs vs. high deposit bonuses and talk to the brokers to see if they can give you a special deal once you have signed up and before you deposit any large amount of money (if you have $100,000 you should definitely be able to get special deals)

Search on TradeBinary. com

Forex Binary Options brokers

Trading forex and commodity binary options is easier than you might think.

We will help you to start by finding the best and most suitable binary options broker. Get going easy and start earning money already today you too. See our top list of brokers and read their reviews.

Almost all binary options brokers offer very enticing bonuses for new users. The bonuses are usually offered only to new traders and apply only the first deposit made by the trader.

While I personally do not believe a trader should start with a small $100 deposit, as it is just much too limiting, nor do I think a novice trader should immediately dive in with a $1,000 initial deposit. $300 is usually more than enough to get a good start at any broker and will allow the trader to calmly perform multiple trades and get a good feel of the platform in order to start increasing performance.

However, while these bonuses may seem too good to be true, like a 100% match on any deposit you make, effectively doubling your trade value, they almost always are in fact too good to be true if you read the fine print.

For example, let’s take a look at four of the items listed in terms and conditions from one of the bonuses (100% match on any deposit up to $300) offered by Marketsworld:

Rollover requirement: The allotted value of the Cash Match Bonus must be traded 20 times before it becomes your cash to trade or withdraw.

Bonus account funds cannot be traded or withdrawn until the rollover is met.

Any Bonus that does not meet its rollover requirement has no cash value.

Bonus programs are intended for recreation. Customers considered to be abusing the bonus system by any means may have bonuses revoked at the discretion of Markets World.

OK so what does all this mean? The first item basically means that if you get a $300 bonus, you will need to perform a total trading volume of 300×20= $6,000 before that money becomes yours . If you’re not completely clear about what that really means, item two clarifies: If you get a $300 bonus on your $300, you will not be able to withdraw funds before you have reached a total trading volume of $6,000. They also clearly state that if they’re not happy with how you’re using the bonus money (there is no real definition of what “abusing the bonus system” is), they can just revoke it at any time at their discretion. In my opinion, after trading $6,000 on a $600 account, you’ll have either lost most of the money anyway, or made enough money that the $300 bonus becomes rather insignificant. I’ll bet the brokers are hoping for the first option.

Now, I took these clauses from Marketsworld just by chance and these terms reflect perhaps 95% of the bonuses offered by all binary options brokers, so I am not trying to say anything bad about Marketsworld.

Consider this little article a fair warning. All the brokers try to offer ludicrous and enticing bonuses to try to get you to deposit more than you intended, and to tie your money to your account.

Now, the question you need to really ask yourself before you opt-in for a bonus is: what’s your game plan? If you don’t have one, stop! Don’t register at a binary options broker, because eventually you will lose!

What you need to do is decide how much money you would like to make trading binary options and how much you are willing to lose before you call it quits. If you really plan to make a lot of money trading, and you think you can turn over more winning options than losing ones, then the bonus clause shouldn’t really be that big a deal since you should be planning on initiating that trading volume anyway.

On the other hand, I say only deposit money that you will be willing to part with. If you take a bonus and end up on the losing end of many trades, you won’t be able to withdraw your remaining funds anyway unless you meet the required trading volume.

If I were to have to guess, I would say that probably more than 50% of trader complaints that brokers refuse withdrawals are due to them participating in various bonus schemes without realizing the consequences.

Summary In short, the bonuses offered by binary options brokers can be very good and increase your revenue if you have a long term trading plan and intend to perform a high volume of trades. On the other hand, it can limit your abilities to withdraw funds and quit early if you start losing. That’s not the end of the world however if you only invest as much as you would be willing to lose in any case.

Why Do Binary Options Brokers Offer Such Great Bonuses? 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Market Buster Review

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2017 by Scam Broker Reviewer

Market Buster is a new binary options trading signal software for Opteck. Although they are technically separate entities and companies, the Market Buster App can only be used with Opteck .

Market Buster Review

When we reviewed the software, we can see that it has binary option signals and automated trading.

The problem is that we cannot see the signals or if there are any configurable options for auto trading. All they want is for us to make a deposit of $250 into our account.

Why would I make a deposit, if I have no idea what the software can do for me?

Market Buster Scam

When you look at the “Top Traders” tab on the Market Buster App, you will see pages of happy people who allegedly made thousands of dollars. These numbers are just too good to be true. Look at this one where it shows $677K in profits from a $500 investment?

You already know from the article “How Do Binary Option Brokers Make Money ” that this cannot be true.

When we review binary option robots, we want to know what the signals are based on, and where can we see historical signals.

Scam or a Real Company

When we signed up for Market Buster we received 2 emails from [email protected]

The 1st one from: Ethan George-Allen, 20 Bay St. Toronto, ON M5J 2N8, Canada. ( a virtual office )

The 2nd one from: Ethan Taylor, 7 Wolseley Cress, Point Piper, NSW, Sydney. Australia. ( a residential home address )

But when we looked for an address or phone number on Market-Buster. com we couldn’t find anything.

What Do Real Traders Use?

There are two types of traders, serious binary option traders, and recreational gamblers.

If you are interested in becoming a serious binary options trader, and you have a good strategy, then you must focus your efforts on finding a licensed broker with a good reputation, see the best brokers page. Depending on your country of residence will make a difference, as many brokers are licensed only in Europe for Europeans. See all licensed broker reviews here .

If you are just playing around with binary options for fun, and you like the appeal of automated trading software, then you see that the one at BinaryOptionRobot. com is the most popular.

Trading Signals in General

Practically all licensed binary option brokers that are listed on this website give some form of signals for free.

For example the brokers Banc De Binary and 24Option both give their traders free trading signals.

ETX Capital which is a large FCA licensed Forex broker in the United Kingdom, gives you free access to the BlueSky Binary Dashboard for binary option trading signals, see here .

What are your thoughts about the Market Buster software?

Did you make thousands of dollars like the video say you will?

Market Buster Review

Market Buster is a new binary options trading signal software for Opteck. Although they are technically separate entities and companies, the Market Buster App can only be used with Opteck .

Market Buster Review

When we reviewed the software, we can see that it has binary option signals and automated trading.

The problem is that we cannot see the signals or if there are any configurable options for auto trading. All they want is for us to make a deposit of $250 into our account.

Why would I make a deposit, if I have no idea what the software can do for me?

Market Buster Scam

When you look at the “Top Traders” tab on the Market Buster App, you will see pages of happy people who allegedly made thousands of dollars. These numbers are just too good to be true. Look at this one where it shows $677K in profits from a $500 investment?

You already know from the article “How Do Binary Option Brokers Make Money ” that this cannot be true.

When we review binary option robots, we want to know what the signals are based on, and where can we see historical signals.

Scam or a Real Company

When we signed up for Market Buster we received 2 emails from [email protected]

The 1st one from: Ethan George-Allen, 20 Bay St. Toronto, ON M5J 2N8, Canada. ( a virtual office )

The 2nd one from: Ethan Taylor, 7 Wolseley Cress, Point Piper, NSW, Sydney. Australia. ( a residential home address )

But when we looked for an address or phone number on Market-Buster. com we couldn’t find anything.

What Do Real Traders Use?

There are two types of traders, serious binary option traders, and recreational gamblers.

If you are interested in becoming a serious binary options trader, and you have a good strategy, then you must focus your efforts on finding a licensed broker with a good reputation, see the best brokers page. Depending on your country of residence will make a difference, as many brokers are licensed only in Europe for Europeans. See all licensed broker reviews here .

If you are just playing around with binary options for fun, and you like the appeal of automated trading software, then you see that the one at BinaryOptionRobot. com is the most popular.

Trading Signals in General

Practically all licensed binary option brokers that are listed on this website give some form of signals for free.

For example the brokers Banc De Binary and 24Option both give their traders free trading signals.

ETX Capital which is a large FCA licensed Forex broker in the United Kingdom, gives you free access to the BlueSky Binary Dashboard for binary option trading signals, see here .

What are your thoughts about the Market Buster software?

Did you make thousands of dollars like the video say you will?

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2017 by Scam Broker Reviewer

Auto Money App Scam Warning

Auto Money App Scam Warning

AutoMoneyApp Scam Service Review

This service is exactly like any other scam service out there, the video didn’t even have to finish in order for us to know it was complete nonsense. AutoMoneyApp. com is going to show you a bunch of fake trade history results, and then they will top it off by trying to convince you with a fake news report saying they made over 500 billion dollars, and that you can do it too. It’s really hard to see how this can be taken for fact, hopefully there was quite a bit of skepticism in the binary community when this service was released. It can be hard to see through people’s lies when you really want them to be true, but the AutoMoneyApp scam isn’t going to be worth your time, no matter how you look at it.

Important Intel

AutoMoneyApp. com has apparently decided to step up their game and add in a fake news report to try and convince people. This may look more convincing than usual, but anyone should be able to tell that they have just put together some actors and a few clips to try and reel people in. Don’t believe anything you hear in this video, these people are not professionals. You will be shown fabricated evidence of profit in hopes that you will play into their hands, they are trying to sell you dreams not make you any money. Don’t fall for this service, steer clear of this binary options scam.

Meet the Team: AutoMoneyApp

AutoMoneyApp’s team has probably made many other scams, I can guarantee you that this is not their first time. They know what they are doing by this point, but you can still easily pick out all the suspicious things that they say they can provide. Most teams that create these kind of scam services operate the same way. They promise impossibilities, but once it comes down to it you won’t only not get what you are promised, but you will lose money in the process and have nothing to show for your misinformed decision.

Why This Service is a Scam in Under 50 Words

AutoMoneyApp. com is a classic scam, it has everything that a service needs to be called illegitimate. This service is fake, nothing they promise will be delivered. They show you everything you want to see, and once you have fallen for the trap, they take your money and don’t even leave you with so much as an explanation.

AutoMoneyApp: Why You Cannot Trust this Service

False testimonials are used.

Fake trade history, fake profits.

They only thing you will get out of using this service is a lower bank account balance.

The team behind this service knows how to capture your attention, and reel you in.

When things are too good to be true, they usually are. You can easily see the lies they tell to get your money.

There is no such thing as a miracle service, don’t fall for services like these.

Why this Service is NOT Worth Your Time

This service is a scam, there’s no other way to describe it. Do not fall for this hoax, you can easily tell when these services are illegitimate when they promise you can accomplish unreachable goals. Being prosperous in binary options is not easy, so you should know somethings up when they are offering you endless money with no effort. Every trader in the binary options community should steer clear of this false service. This concludes our AutoTraderApp scam warning.

Platform: Unlike most binary options brokers, Stockpair is one of the only brokers that has developed its own custom proprietary platform. If you want to learn more about it, feel free to check out our Stockpair platform review. Stockpair’s platform scores it an impressive 8.2 /10 points on our chart.

Design . Stockpair has a completely different, fresh look from other binary options brokers. The blue and white theme is really nice on the eyes as well. The entire website has been custom made, making it stand out completely from other brokers.

The actual trading page is also very well laid out. Everything is very understandable and easy to navigate. All of the buttons are very large and blend together nicely. Stockpair even offers graphical representations of the different stocks, adding their logos to the trading charts, which also helps to make sure you clicked on the right stock before entering a trade.

All in all Stockpair gets a Design Score of 5/5

Minimum Deposit : Stockpair has a minimum deposit of $200, meaning you cannot open an account with anything less than that. This is somewhere in the mid-range, as some brokers have lower minimum deposits, while others require $250 and even $300. To be honest, anyone serious about trading will most likely deposit even more than the bare minimum at any rate. According to our scoring system, Stockpair received a minimum deposit score of 4/5 .

Stockpair also has different account levels depending on the amount you deposit:

Minimum trade: Officially, Stockpair has a minimum trade of $20 . However, if you enter a trade of exactly $12, the system will accept it. Anything lower or higher (under $20) won’t be accepted, but for some reason, $12 is ok. I’m not sure if they have added this on purpose or if it’s a glitch, but the fact remains that the minimum possible trade amount for Stockpair currently stands at $12, giving it a Minimum Trade Score of 4/5

Lower minimum trade requirements makes it easier for new traders to make more trades without the need to risk too much money. This is especially helpful when testing out new trading strategies and learning the ropes.

The more assets offered for trading with a broker, the easier it is to find something you feel comfortable trading. Not only that, but if a certain asset gets news and makes a big move, you don’t want to be left out because your broker doesn’t offer it for trade. Stockpair has quite a good selection of 120 different tradeable assets. This is quiet a comparably large selection, giving Stockpair a Tradeable assets score of 4/5

Payouts: People trade binary options for one reason: to make money. This of course means that the amount of potential payout offered by the broker is of significance and can be what dictates whether you are profitable or not, depending on your success rate. Stockpair generally offers payouts up to 86% on traditional binary options, with high risk fixed pairs sometimes reaching over 180%. This gives Stockpair Payouts score of 8.75/10

Withdrawal Process: In a perfect world withdrawal time wouldn’t be something you needed to consider. Unfortunately, there are too many brokers today that often take their time when it comes to paying traders money that is rightfully theirs. Stockpair are very straight forward with their withdrawal policy and have a very good reputation for living up to it. Withdrawals on the Stockpair platform are usually processed within 2 working days, giving Stockpair a withdrawal Process score of 9.5/10

Deposit & Withdrawal Methods: Stockpair currently supports 5 deposit and withdrawal methods, including credit card, wire transfer, Skrill (Moneybookers), Giropay and Sofort, giving Stockpair a Deposit and Withdrawal Score of 5/5

Keep in mind that not all payment methods may be available to all countries, as these services often have limitations.

One of the important things about a broker is the honesty and just how far they’re willing to go to make an extra buck. Some brokers for example never say anything about the restrictions that come with the bonuses in order to deliberately mislead customers, while other may be more forthcoming.

The Stockpair support team was quite professional and answered very fast. This shows that they’ve had trainng and are prepared for the hard questions as well. This chat was taken on Christmas eve, so it was good to see that they were still working even during non-regular hours.

I was initially a bit surprised by their answers to my questions about the bonuses as it seemed a bit too good to be true. Looking into their T&Cs, I was surprised to see that they were actually telling the truth (I’ll go into that a bit more further on). One thing I didn’t like however was that they moved me over to an account manager without me asking. While they might consider it to be good business practice, I personally prefer one person answering my questions instead of being handed over to someone else mid-chat.

This warrants a 2-point deduction, giving Stockpair a Support score of 8/10

Quote accuracy: Quoting accuracy is very important with a binary options broker. Some brokers tend to manipulate quotes in order to sway the odds against the trader. All in all after doing a lot of testing, we were unable to find any evidence of quote tampering, regardless of the position we entered and how much we’d won/lost in previous trades. The only downside is that the Stockpair platform does show an actual countdown of when your option is going to expire like many other brokers. This is something that helps you to know exactly when the option is going to expire. For this we deducted a half a point, so Stockpair’s Quote Accuracy Score is 4.5/5

Reputation: Stockpair is now one of the fastest growing brokers in the industry. Other than the occasional unhappy customer, which is usually due to some misunderstanding or a disgruntled customer who made some bad trades, the general consensus seems to be that the community is happy with them. From what we’ve seen, Stockpair have earned themselves a well deserved Reputation Score of 14/15

Bonus Requirements: Almost all, if not all binary options brokers offer some form of “Welcome bonus” to new traders upon joining. These bonuses always come with a catch: You cannot withdraw you bonus until you reach a certain amount of trading volume. We elaborate a bit more about this on our broker scoring page.

Stockpair requires a trading volume of x30 before the bonus can be withdrawn, which is relatively low and rewards them with a Bonus Requirements Score of 4/5

Withdrawing pre-volume: So what happens if you want to withdraw funds prior to reaching the required volume for the bonus? Well, Stockpair doesn’t actually give you the bonus per-say. What they do is add the bonus to your account in a “pending” status, which means you haven’t really received the money yet, nor can you trade with it. However, once you reach the required trading volume the bonus money will automatically be released directly into your trading account.

Since the bonus is in pending status the whole time until you reach the required volume, it actually doesn’t restrict your account in terms of withdrawals in any way. This is actually a very good (and honest) way of offering bonuses and awards Stockpair a Pre-Volume Withdrawal score of 5/5

Education: Stockpair has a big bold “EDUCATION” button on the top of their main page. You don’t get much easier access than that.

They offer a wide range of different tutorials, including a number of advanced strategies, some of which utilize the technical analysis chart provided by Stockpair. All of the information is very well laid out and easy to access and navigate. The only thing missing though were more video tutorials. There is currently only one video tutorial available which is the trading simluator, which is actually quite good because it’s interactive. All in all, Stockpair gets an education score of 4/5

Stockpair stands out from other binary options brokers in that they have a very unique trading platform which does not resemble any of their competitors. They have a good operation running, with a proven track record and a very strong customer base. I think their scores speak for themselves and can summarize by saying that Stockpair is a very solid and trustworthy broker, and comes high recommended by Objective-Reviews. com.

Medallion App Review

Posted on 29 Sep 2017

Medallion App BOPlace Scam Review

Once in a blue moon we receive testimonials about reliable and honest binary option trading systems that seem to be consistent and profitable which is almost unheard of in this day and age within the binary options industry. After receiving several inquiries and feedback regarding the binary options Medallion App trading system we decided it was time to take a further look into whether or not this system was a reliable outlet for binary option investors to utilize or not. Unlike most binary option scams that are well-rehearsed in common scam marketing techniques the Medallion App did not share these common characteristics and for once they followed our main guideline of offers that aren’t too good to be true!

About Medallion App

The Medallion App is a relatively new binary options trading system that just recently came out of the beta testing stage to merge into the binary options industry as one of the few reliable and consistent trading systems. Unlike the other 90% of binary option trading systems that hit the binary options market place and end up being scams created by greedy scam artists the binary options Medallion App trading system has actually hold true to it’s word! Unlike most binary option scams that will guarantee you the ability to generate a $10,000 to $20,000 profit on a daily basis the Medallion App offers realistic claims and is one of the most highly rated binary option offers to hit the binary options industry.

So what is the Medallion App trading system? The medaliionapp. co is a binary options trading system that was developed by James Simons who is the CEO of Renaissance Technologies Corporation. Unlike most binary option systems that rely of the usage of outdated technical indicators the Medallion App utilizes quantitative algorithms that are constantly calibrated and updated to provide users the best investing experience possible. Not only is the Medallion App one of the most highly rated binary option trading systems to enter the binary options fold but we also tested the system out and had great success thus far with the system.

Our Medallion App Experience

Just like every binary options review we conduct here we always thoroughly test out the offer first prior to concluding our review and unlike most binary option offers that we review we actually had hope of generating a decent profit since we mostly lost our funds to testing out scams that we expose. Over the past 7 trading days alone the Medallion App trading system has generated a total number of 103 investments with 77 of our investments landing in-the-money giving us a cumulative success rate of almost 75% along with a profit of over $4,300 so as you can imagine we are quite pleased with our results. Throughout the next couple weeks we will post comments below further sharing our experience and success with this service so please feel free to return to this review or just Contact Us for an update!

Medallion App Conclusion

As most of you already know the binary options industry is clouded and overwhelmed with a large variety of deceptive binary options scams that are only created to steal your hard-earned money. With that imperative truth in mind it is important that we, as investors, take the time to do our homework prior to dishing out any of our hard-earned money with a particular binary options broker, service or system. The medallionapp. co is one of the few legitimate offers to enter the binary options industry and we highly recommend them if you are looking for a consistent and profitable binary options trading system. In addition, if you have taken the time to test out the Medallion App we ask that you please share your experience in a comment below and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to Contact Us and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!

1 thoughts on “Medallion App Review”

Have YOU used the Medallion App and made REAL money?

Why you Should Read Binary Options Scam Reviews?

In the current age, everything is computerized. Foreign exchange and stock markets are becoming globalized every passing day. The Internet is providing the option of trading to the common man; sitting at home. This provides investment opportunities to those who have a little to none knowledge about the operation of a stock market. This has become possible after the introduction of the concept of binary options. Binary options are online method to invest in trade. All one has to do is make a call on an item, and the rest is taken care of by the brokers. This makes your work much simpler. All you do is pick and invest, and then earn.

Major causes of Claiming Binary Options Scam

There are two main causes of such false Claims. These are: 1. Bad experience with a broker . there are many brokers on the internet. Their services and quality vary from one another. The people, who have experience with a low quality broker, lose faith in binary option rather than the broker. The best way to minimize this risk research about the brokers, which people complain about and stay away from them. For example, Take a look at TradeRush Scam Review .

2. Loss suffered . Binary options are just like any other investment. You might earn profit or loss. There is no third option. Many people who invest for easy money, spread rumors if they suffer a loss. So, prepare yourself for both profit and loss.

Misconceptions or advantages?

Do not believe all that you read. Do a little research on your own. Here are some common reasons that are mentioned in binary options brokers scam reviews. These are simple advantages, which are too good to be true for some people:

“Too easy” – trading in the stock exchange market has always been a complex task. It required immense knowledge. A normal person could not invest in the market. That is why many people cannot accept the fact that it can be this easy and ask others to stay away from binary options scam. They do not seem to notice the teams of the professional working day and night behind the scene. All the complex work is present; the service providers are using it.

“Too quick” – Stock market investment is a slow market. Binary options have made the quite, which the traditional people believe to be impossible. Many experienced stock experts will support the broker scam reviews just for the reason that their experience lies in the practical market. “No knowledge required”–Unlike the past, binary options do not require a lot of research work. This is a misconception, since research is being done by the service providing team.

“Too flexible”- Stock exchange is a rigid market. Binary option has made it elastic. This makes traditional brokers question it validity.

“It’s a gamble” many people might say that it is gamble rather than an investment. This is wrong because it is not based on luck.

Importance of reading binary options brokers scam reviews:

Binary options seem unrealistic. No work, no hassle - it seems quite unbelievable. There would be many websites with broker scam reviews that will tell you to stay away from binary option. Binary options scam is becoming a popular term on the internet. There will be so many people giving their reasons and experiences to provide evidence to their belief. But if you read these carefully, you would understand that it was their own negligence that led to those reasons. People just think about making easy money, without understanding the process. Binary options scam is nothing but people trying to hide their own mistakes. That is why you should read binary options brokers scam reviews to learn about the common mistakes people make when investing, and make plans and strategies to avoid these mistakes. Also, it can guide you through the right and wrong moves. Remember that somebody’s bad experience can be learning experience for others.

SuperBinaryOptions. com Scam Review

AnyOption used to be considered as a symbof of trading platform online. But anything has its own negativeness, rumors come along with good and bad effect. There are a lot of rumors about AnyOptions Scam from untrustworthy brokers in spite of its necessary license and certifications. We’ve been trading with AnyOption and will be doing a thoroughly AnyOption Scam investigation in this article

AnyOption Scam Test

To gain your confidence, you can use ways below to perform AnyOption Scam test before trading with a broker:

Double Checking - perform a detailed check on the broker’s transaction in the past. It also provides information about the certificates, trading patterns and all the supported trading options.

Withdrawal test - the more options of fund withdrawal, the more believable is it. There are some typical options such as wire transfer, paypal, moneybookers, etc.

Too good to be true - Stay away from brokers that offer too good deals because they usually are baits.

Bad account - Pay attention of fake accounts. Bad rumors about AnyOption scam started from traders who was treated by bad brokers and bad co-traders.

Traders’ Reviews - Check the broker’s review carefully and regularly. But you also have to be aware of fake reviews, and don’t trade with that broker if there is any bad feedbacks.

Hype - the information spread on the internet about AnyOption scam is mostly enlarged. Don’t be cheated by such hypes because of carelessness.

A thumb rule would be to not give your finance related details before performing the AnyOption scam test on a broker. By examine their setup and certifications online, you can prove that AnyOption is a lawful company. As long as you deal properly, your trading transactions with AnyOption are still safe.

AnyOption Scam Rumor: Rating

User Friendly . Our trader’s team rate as Very Good which will give AnyOption 9 Points

Assets availability: There’s is over 100 assets to trade which will give AnyOption 10 Points

Deposit Bonus : Deposit Bonus with anyoption is at 20% which will give AnyOption 2 Points

Deposit And Withdrawal Options. More than 5 Different Deposit/ Withdrawal Methods available ( Wire Transfer, Credit Cards, Moneybooker, Moneygram, Liberty reserve. Cash-U and more ), therefore it gives AnyOption 10 Points

Customer Support Availability

Customer Support : +5 Points

Live Chat. +5 Points

Telephone Number Availability. +5 Points

Regulated Broker. Yes which will give AnyOption 10 Points

Demo Account . No which will give AnyOption 0 Points

Our Traders’ Team Rating. Our Trader’s team rate AnyOption with 25 Points

AnyOption Overall rating is 81 / 100

AnyOption General Information

Operated in 2008, AnyOption is known for being one of the oldest Binary Options trading service providers. Do a small comparison to other famous companies, which started their service a few years back, AnyOption have been experienced a long time in this area of business. Using their own developed platform, which works pretty same as SpotOption despite of their changes. They have over 98 of assets, but it’s a little less attractive because of low payout which is only 71%. Anyway, traders could get 15% money back in case of losing. The main advantage of AnyOption is their low required deposit, which costs only $100 to join the binary options world. But there’s updated news that AnyOption no longer maintained their $100 minimum deposit requirement. Edit: AnyOption has raised minimum deposit requirement to $200 for English speaking countries and several other countries. For more information, read AnyOption raise their minimum deposit. AnyOption is incorporated in Cyprus, an EU country which is considered as Tax Heaven that a lot of brokers prefer. Another plus for AnyOption is their good customer support, either email or live chat, I always receive quick replies which make me feel very satisfied.

The most disadvantage of AnyOption is the lack of trading guide for beginner. There are no guide, no video series that beginners could use to improve their skill and start profiting in a faster time period. Compared to other brokers, AnyOption is definitely lagging behind in term of education and guides, which is surprising considering how long this company is in business. For all reason above, AnyOption might seems to be fall behind, but the scam rumors are definitely wrong and you can start trading with AnyOption today without any worries. For more information, please read anyoption review .

Mensaje de navegación

It is a fact that currency trading became a highly preferable investment method in the past decade. Combined with the Internet as a global 24/7 network forex is accessible to everyone. I’m not going to give on basic explanation of currency trading in this article. I’m sure I do not have to tell you what the market is Binary Options. People who know or have an interest in an investment Binary Options already know. It is not like this?

Binary Options is basically an investment

Like any other investment, there are always benefits and risks beyond forex trading. Many people / organization, especially forex brokers, their membership and who get their income from the provision of certain services related currency market says Binary Options has both advantages compared to other investments; Binary Options is easy, with his non-stop 24 hours market, its wide range of adjustable lever, its automated trading platform, your best opportunity offered to the resources of income, and many more – whatever much as you want …

Blinded by his “beautiful dream imagination ‘, many small / personal traders, especially for new forgot that the Binary Options market is basically still an investment program. Operators should not have an idea that Binary Options market is a source of income.

Common Beginner Traders Scenario

Forex traders Beginners tend to follow the trend of forex trading without preparing and giving them self with a proper understanding of what’s inside forex trading. Their common scenarios are:

1. know about currency trading

2. Have an interest in the market Binary Options

3. Looking for an easy and cost effective way of services Binary Options

(Usually, by finding some services with less margin, high leverage, automated trading platform and less risk – it’s too good to be true)

4. Start game with your trades

5. Unable to make profits as your imagination

6. repetitive stages 3, 4 and 5

7. scenarios are repeated 3, 4 and 5 again … and again …

8. Realizing they are losing too much or your imagination along these days / weeks / months is bad (I doubt that would reach years)

9. give up and quit their trade forever.

Where do wrong in the above scenario? Is that bad for always looking for a better service to support our trade? In my view, there are no mistakes in that scenario at all. But it is only incomplete, and that’s the most dangerous mistakes made by most novice traders.

Traders overcoming mistakes and start making some gains in Binary Options

The facts are, there are only 5% of forex traders that success with its operations. To become as they are, we should insert step 2.5 in the previous stage. This step will simplify above scenarios by eliminating the fourth and eighth and ninth step became TRADERS changing Goal achieved.

2.5 Prepare with solid basic knowledge of currency trading

& # 8211; Learn about the fundamentals of forex trading

& # 8211; Learn about what and how it really is the forex market

& # 8211; Prepare to become familiar with technical analysis in the market for Binary Options

& # 8211; Learn how psychological factor affecting trade and define our best trading personality

& # 8211; Note in our risk management and money

& # 8211; Develop more effective single trading system based on their knowledge.

We must keep in mind that the market deeply Binary Options is an investment. There is no way we can be a master in some investment Immerse yourself in just days or weeks. We have to do it the right way, and do not forget to remove the tip in achieving the goal. You will surely find your best trading system that suits you, I guarantee that. But it would cost some time for several trial and error system testing while developing their experience in the Binary Options market.

By using an analog approach as a computer, forex broker is the system application programs and operation. We need to make sure that everything we need its done, served and executed properly. But how good execution speed of computerization and performance are dependent on basic computer specification, which analogically like you.

Getting yourself fully Binary Options Prepared

Learning materials and education are widely available world around us.

1. The first and greatest added value of a resource forex trading is through reading books. Books Binary Options and investment categories are available in countless numbers in many bookstore book store online. You should pick some of them to educate yourself with valuable knowledge of the theory beyond forex trading.

2. Try to get into some traders forum to learn more about forex trading and markets. Binary Options Forum is also a place to give information to predict the psychological factor crowd to forecast the movement of currency prices by examining how do other traders react in some world events related to financial Binary Options.

3. Get a course of Binary Options. An expert Binary Options traders or forex broker are offering this type of forex educational method. The course is usually about the basic knowledge of the currency, using the technique of technical analysis and its tools, a council of expert trade or perhaps how to develop a system of forex owners test profitable (if done well and supported by their basic knowledge of the currency).

4. Binary Options magazine subscription. Some forex magazines are published weekly, monthly and others could be annual. These materials usually give you information about the behavior of the currency market and updated analysis that can be used for input fundamental analysis of forex trade overview.

Binary Freedom Formula Is Scam ; True Review Exposed.

After careful scrutiny we review the Binary Freedom Formula software as Scam by Glenn Hascall. It’s one of those typical tactics that try to woo non-suspecting traders by mentioning that it will make them $1,300 of profits on a daily basis, consistently. This scam method has been made sound too good to be true. Apparently, that’s the case with this system. So you generally have to watch out before you regret your decision of investing in the Binary Freedom Formula system which is 99% likely to loose you more money than you’ll ever make with it.

If you received an email out of the blues concerning this Binary Freedom Formula App, you have all the reasons not to accept that offer. Also, if you happened to come across it online (because there are many reviews on the internet trying to present it in a positive light), you should bet that this software is not genuine, and any move you make towards it will only cause you uncountable losses.

Why Binary Freedom Formula Software is Scam? Reasons

The most deceitful thing you will come across on the official site that this “Binary Freedom Formula system will make you $1,300 of profit everyday, and that this figure is guaranteed”. If this is true, then we don’t see any reason why poverty should exist in the world. The only reason why poverty still exists despite an open ”goldmine” like this is that many unsuspecting traders are jumping into it only to end up being fleeced of their money. So they become twice poorer, and the latter condition of the individuals become worse. Truth is, even the most successful of trading software out there won’t make you a tidy $1,300 profit on a daily basis. That kind of a figure is only possible in your dreams, and not in the physical world.

The claim of limited offer/spots

If you encounter the phrase ”limited offer” in any binary options trading opportunity, know that it’s a scam. There is nothing like free and limited offer in a world where every software vendor if looking to make real money. Whereas it’s true that most products will offer free downloads like Binary Freedom Formula method and point you to their most preferred trading platform. Such binary programs only require you to make a certain minimum deposit to their chosen trading platforms so you can begin enlisting the help of their software programs to make money.

However, getting a software that hits the 90% accuracy mark is nearly impossible. A few of them exist, but they don’t always win trades. But on the flip side of things, dozens of them are pure scams like the Binaryfreedomformula. com and are only waiting for you to feed money into their systems so you can go from broke to poor. Don’t fall for Binary Freedom Formula App’s limited spots claim. Also, never pay the $947 fee charged on those who will need the software after the so-called ”limited offer” has expired. Otherwise, you will suffer double loss which you might not be able to recover any time.

The Website of Binary Freedom Formula App is Fishy !

Did you click the link to their ToS page? You will be shocked of how disorganized and sickening that page is. Contrary to what you’d expect from a decent system that’s supposed to make you $1,300 everyday, you will find one big wall of copied text (probably from another site), mixed with big and small letters in the Binary Freedom Formula website. It’s an eyesore because the person who crafted that page only copy-pasted the text in there, plus they never took time to mind the rules of English, which state that paragraphs must exist in text longer than 5 lines.

Again, this is a red flag that the person behind the Binary Freedom Formula signals is only interested in your money and nothing else. Proceed with caution. Trades in action as displayed in Binary Freedom Formula official site. When you scroll a few steps down the official page, you will meet a table showcasing live and successful trades. Be advised that the table you are seeing is nothing other than a list of generic figures programmed by some special software to display imaginary profits. Notice that there is no day the table will ever record a lost trade. This is something that all the positive reviews on the internet will never let you know. And therefore, this should agree with the first statement where we declared that no software is 100% accurate. If someone tries pitching you such a product including Binary Freedom Formula program then run!

Fake Loophole with Binary Freedom Formula Method Exposed !

Glenn Hascall discovered a loophole to exploit the system and make it cough up $1,300 of profit on a daily basis.

It does not take much thought to realize that you, as the binary options trader, is being taken for a ride. It is important to take note that the currency or liquid asset market doesn’t have loopholes to get exploited. There are no tricks to play in order to make the system dance to the traders’ tune whenever they want it to. Consequently, traders only have to rely on their knowledge and experience to become successful most of the time. The Binary Freedom software will never help you. On the other hand, if you have knowledge and experience in binary options trading, pick a product created by a vendor who knows what they are saying. You should only invest in software created by people who know their stuff, not vendors who think they are hiding the word ”scam” on their website when all they are doing is to unknowingly display it in their statements and video launches.

Join the Best Binary Autotrader – Trusted and Winning – Virtnext

Conclusion of our Binary Freedom Formula Review

Never fall for the positive Binary Freedom Formula testimonials you come across on the internet. Not a single review that appears on Google right now is genuine. And it doesn’t take you some work to realize that the first 8 results on Google are only spun reviews copied from other websites, trying to show you how the Binary Freedom Formula App is genuine when it’s not. Always check our scam signals systems page before you sign up with any products. Share you feedback’s below.

Your first step in making a binary options trade is finding the right broker. Choosing a right broker is very important to know before start every trading type and the first thing to know about your broker if it is regulated or not.

Everything You Need to Know About Binary Options Brokers

Binary options is very popular and as such, there are plenty of potential brokers to choose. But the availability of too many brokers does not make it easy to select the appropriate broker.

So what should you look out for when choosing the right broker?

The first thing you want to look at is whether the broker is a licensed one i. e. they are licensed . Licensed brokers have essentially gone a step further to abide by strict regulations imposed by supervisory agencies. This simply shows that the broker is upholding transparency.

The advantage of trading on a licensed binary options platform is that it reduces your risks. It is true that all forms of investment entail some sort of risk but you can protect yourself from unnecessary risks such as fraud that could cause you to lose your money.

Think about it: wouldn’t you rather trade with a broker whose activities are regulated by a known authority such as the government or a regulatory agency? Such a broker is likelier to be honest than one who is unknown and unregulated.

The other advantage of a regulated binary options trader is that your payouts are guaranteed, even if the broker goes bankrupt by any chance. Regulations require binary options brokers to separate their operations from the monies deposited by traders.

More importantly, you can actually file a complaint against a regulated broker in the event that they breach their contract.

It is important to note though that some brokers are not yet regulated or do not have a license. This does not mean that they are fraudulent.

The issue of broker licensing is relatively new and most countries have not yet put in place a legal framework for regulating binary options trading.

All in all, you really need to do your research before starting to trade with any particular broker. Look around to see what others are saying about the broker and find out if they are truly licensed as they claim.

Here is a quick breakdown of other important factors to consider when selecting a binary options broker:

· They offer an easy to understand signup process

· They offer a rate of return that matches the industry standard of between 65% and 85%

· They allow you to test the platform before putting any money using a demo account

· They support several devices including desktop or tablet

· The customer support is excellent

A final recommendation is that there is no way to know whether a particular broker is appropriate unless you actually test them out using a demo account . With a demo account, you can make trades without using actual money just to get a feel of the platform.

The level of customer support will also tell you whether a broker is worth your time and money. Be cautious about any trading platform that offers flaky customer service . And remember when the good is too good to be true, it probably is.

Trade with a Regulated Broker

How to Choose a Binary Options Broker

One of the key decisions you will make when you are trading binary options is who to trade with. How do you choose a binary options broker ?

Binary options are relatively new financial trading instruments - so many of the existing brokers haven't been around that long - certainly not long enough to establish a well known brand. But that's changing, as the industry matures. Many of the more established online forex operators have also moved into the market, so you now have a choice between binary options specialists and more established financial companies. Which one you choose will depend on your circumstances, so we've tried to summarise some of the criteria you should be looking at, in order to help you make the right decision.

The good news is that there is plenty of competition in this market. If you spend a bit of time investigating your options, you should find some competitive deals out there.

Make sure you consider the following criteria:

Payout Payout on winning trades can vary - obviously the biiger the better, but the old adage also holds true: "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is". You should try and choose a broker that offers fair returns - at least 70% on a winning trade. One of the advantages of trading binary options over leveraged financial products, is that you know exactly what your risk and pay off is for each trade. So do your research!

Some binary options sites also pay some money back (up to 15%) when your trade is “out of the money”. Look out for these too. It's always good to get cash back on losing trades.

Asset Range You'll want to be able to pick and choose what you trade - not all forex pairs will see much action during a trading session - you need to be able to pick a financial asset whose price is moving - hopefully nice and steadily in a trend. Research the assets and make an informed decision on whether to make a “put” or “call” bet.

Extras Always read the small print and be aware that many brokers may charge extra for making deposits or withdrawals through certain methods. Investigate this up front and you won't have any nasty surprises later.

Support You are always going to need to ask for help at some point, whether that's technical help or banking help. Make sure you are happy with the channles of communiction that the broker offers. Do they have a free phone number (toll free) for instance? Or a chat option. What are the hours? 24/7 or less? Check the support out - give them a ring!

Security . You are going to be depositing and withdrawing from the platform, so make sue it uses the lates security with 128 bit SSL encryption. Is the site on an "https://" address? It's easy to check - just look at the navigation bar in your browser.

Look Under The Bonnet It is always useful to read the T's and C's of the broker - at the very least skim through them and try and pick out any odd looking clauses. Things to look out for are limits on withdrawing (there shouldn't be any as long as you have the money in your account), pay out rates (check these are constant and there are no unacceptable conditions) and so on.

You can get a good feeling for whether a broker has it's cutomer's interest in mind from their terms and conditions.

Binary Options Bonuses Bonuses are a popular way for brokers to attract new business - make sure youread the promotional terms and conditions as well. In mant cases you must make trades to the value of a multiple of the bonus before you can withdraw. That's natural, as they don't want you just signing up for the free cash and then withdrawing it strraight away, but check the "trade through" amount and compare it among the different binary options brokers you are considering. These "trade through" requirments can go up to 20 times the value and beyond. It's all very well to take the bonus, but just understand what the knock on is. Are the "trade through" requirements applied to just the bonus, or to the (deposit + bonus)? That's another useful quaestion to ask.

Trading Tools/Information Make sure you test the systems (you can often sign up for a practice account), so that you can see what the statistics and tools are like. Is it easy to reasearch the market? Is it easy and fast to make a trade. What is the charting like? Can you overlay financial indicators such as the MACD, for exampe, on to the charts.

Mobile Binary Options Lastly, amny people like to trade from their phones and tablets these days. if you are that type of trader, make sure you test their apps out and have a play around with the broker on your iPad or Android tablet.

These are just some of the criteria that we use to compare and contrast different binary options brokers. We hope it helps you make a good decision.


Binary Options Scams

Binary Options Scams 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

It is unfortunate that in some circles binary options have gained a completely negative connotation. For some people, if you make mention of binary options, all they will hear is binary options scams. Unfortunately, this isn’t completely unfounded as there are some binary options scams, but fortunately they have been decreasing as the industry evolves. In any financial market there will always be those who seek to prey on the innocent and naïve and binary options is no different. Fortunately, as the industry grows up, it has become easier for the prospective trader to recognize when they are encountering a binary options scam.

One of the most common scams in the past were online binary options brokers who were not really brokers, or who were running systems that made it unlikely that you would ever be able to withdraw your profits. The good news is that with increasing regulation and oversight of the binary options industry, this type of scam is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. It is easy enough to research a prospective broker online and determine if they have had numerous complaints against them, and if they are regulated, licensed and reputable. The same internet that made these scams possible is now working against them by making information so freely available.

A more difficult scam to notice is those where the broker offers returns that are out of line with the market and with the binary options industry as a whole. In some cases this even happens with more reputable brokers when they run into cash flow problems. It might occur too simply because the broker isn’t aware of what other brokers are offering for returns. Because many traders do not have multiple accounts, this will often go unnoticed simply because the trader has nothing to compare the returns to. The only way to avoid this is to open multiple binary options accounts at several brokers, so you can always compare the returns you are receiving for trades.

The final type of scam is unfortunately more common these days, and it doesn’t originate with the brokers. This binary option scam comes from so called gurus who offer to make traders wealthy if they simply follow the system the guru has developed. The catch is that access to the system, or to the gurus knowledge, can cost thousands of dollars, and the reality is that the guru has no more knowledge of successful binary options trading than the average trader. Anytime you are asked to pay a large amount of money for a binary options trading system or education that sounds too good to be true, it probably is and is a scam, not a real opportunity.

Any trader can avoid these and other binary options scams by simply doing a bit of research and by using common sense before investing any hard earned money. Just like the Nigerian scammers, it is unlikely these binary options scams will disappear, but they can certainly be avoided and knowledge is part of the solution to staying safe from scammers.

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Day Trading for Dummies

If you want a fast turnaround of profits when it comes to binary options trading, you might like to get into day trading. This is the practice of bidding with binary options and then making a good profit all within a single day. Buying and selling, or betting and claiming profit, all in a day.


Whether you’ve found this website a useful tool for helping you to break into the binary options trading industry, or whether you’re even somewhat confused by the whole ordeal, we value your feedback. Please drop us a message and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Contáctenos

Home > Blog > Tricks Some Binary Options Brokers Play


Have you been looking for a method that will allow your money to grow quickly, keep you ahead of inflation and even become your full-time source of income? If so, that’s probably what led you to learning about binary options. While you may think you’re ready to begin trading, you first need a reputable broker to work with. To do this, you will want to understand how some binary options brokers use certain tricks to scam unassuming customers.

They Lack Certification

This isn’t necessarily a scam, but it’s worth avoiding. Laws regarding binary options are different from country to country. For example, binary options brokers in France don’t need any kind of formal certification to practice. That could leave their customers missing out on certain protections. You would be smart to only work with brokers who are legally allowed to practice because they must uphold the laws of a country like the U. S. or U. K.

Their Claims Are Too Good to Be True

Hopefully, this is an obvious one. Any time someone makes claims that are too good to be true, especially when they want your money, you need to be cautious. Unfortunately, a lot of binary options brokers do this. They promise how much you’ll be able to make during your first month. Sometimes they’re vague about it to avoid prosecution. They’ll say something like, “People regularly make 85% returns.”

Be smart. Trading options takes time and hard work. There are no shortcuts and no one becomes rich overnight.

Huge Bonuses

Along the same lines, a lot of binary options brokers love to offer big bonuses to prospective customers. They may match your initial deposit, give you free money or otherwise facilitate amazing deals for your first trades.

A simple rule to live by is that these bonuses are never worth it. That’s because, the majority of the time, there is fine print that will either keep these bonuses out of reach or demand that you spend a small fortune before you can get them.

Easy Deposit Practices

Before a broker starts taking your business, expect that there will be a bit of a vetting process. You should be suspicious of any broker who just allows you to begin trading with a few clicks and your credit card number.

Never trust any binary options brokers who will take your money and let you start trading right away. They may be doing so because they’re little more than a scam you’ll never hear back from. However, they could also be a perfectly legitimate business that just doesn’t take their customers very seriously. That’s really not much better.

Poor Customer Service

One way to size up a broker before giving them any money is to send emails with your questions. Pay attention to their response. Do you hear back from them relatively soon? Do they give you a satisfactory answer or is it clear they don’t care? Poor customer service is an immediate “no thanks.”

Binary options can be a fantastic way of making money, but only if you pick the right broker. The above should help you find one that will be worth your time.

Tricks Some Binary Options Brokers Play

Have you been looking for a method that will allow your money to grow quickly, keep you ahead of inflation and even become your full-time source of income? If so, that’s proba.

Simple Rules For Binary Options Trading Success

Like many people, you may be drawn to binary options trading because it holds the promise of much greater profits, but with less risk compared to other investment methods. While.

The economic hit from the UK leaving the EU would be "small" and is unlikely to lead to significant job losses, according to credit agency Moody's.

A committee of MPs demands greater steps to combat a 'motherhood penalty' that has left women being paid less than men.

Best Binary Options

A binary option is a fixed return option because there are only 2 possible outcomes which are fully realized at the onset of the contract.

A binary option is a contract which gives the buyer (known as the owner) the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a fixed price within a specified time frame. The items being traded are known as underlying assets and they could be a range of products: currencies (e. g. USD/JPY), commodities (e. g. Oil, Gold), stocks (e. g. Microsoft, Coca Cola) or indices (e. g. Nasdaq, FTSE 100). The fixed price at which the owner buys or sells at, is known as the strike price.

When trading binary options, the buyer of the option chooses whether he thinks the underlying asset will hit the strike price by the selected expiry time - this could be at the end of the nearest hour or the end of the day, week or month.

The owner places a call option on his binary option trade if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be higher than the current price. He places a put option if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be lower than the current price.

In this respect binary option trading is extremely flexible. The asset, expiry time and predicted asset direction can be controlled by the owner of the investment who can select each one as he desires. The only unknown factor is if the asset will expire higher or lower that its existing price.

The returns from binary option trades are set from the onset of the contract. If an option expires in-the-money then a buyer will receive between 65-71% profit on the investment amount. If an option expires out-of-the-money then with anyoption(TM), the buyer will receive a 15% payback on his initial investment. The certainty of binary option trading makes it a preferred method of trading for many investors since not only is the potential gain known from the offset, but more importantly the potential loss is fixed and they will not be called upon for cover an investment which ended out-of-the-money.

This is how trading binary options would work: Investor A invests $100 on a call option on Oil, with a 70% return rate, with an end of the day expiry time. The current rate of Oil is 65.9001. If at the end of the day the price of oil closes at 65.9002 or above, then Investor A will receive $170. If it closes at 65.9000 or below, then he will receive a $15 payback. The simplicity of binary option trading makes it an attractive and desired way of investing for many investors.

The difference with trading binary options to traditional trading is that in binary option trading, a buyer is just trading on the performance of an asset - they will not actually own the asset itself. For example, in a stock option trade in Microsoft, an investor is not literally buying Microsoft shares, but rather opening a contract on whether the shares of Microsoft will increase or decrease within a specified time period.

Due their uniqueness, binary options have several advantages.

They are easier to trade because only a sense of which direction the asset will move in is needed There is a controlled risk which is known from the onset of the contract - the 2 possible outcomes are pre-determined and set by the buyer depending on how much he invests in the option.

For a binary option trade to be profitable, the option must only move in the predicted direction - the magnitude of the move is not relevant hence it is easier to receive a payout.

Binary option trading is extremely flexible, due to multiple expiry dates and times, the range of underlying assets on offer and the ability to trade online without the need for a broker.

So, whether you are a investor new to the world of trading options or a old-time trader used to the traditional trading market, it is recommended to try your hand at the phenomenon that is binary option trading and see how it could work for you.

Anyoption review


AnyOption is among the true pioneers of Binary Options. It has been a leader in the industry when it comes to innovation. AnyOption offers the correct tools as well as great refunds without false bonuses and useless facts. Thus, any trader can have fun trading with peace of mind. Newcomers can have a twenty percent refund and what makes it better is that AnyOption is now regulated.


New Binary Option brokers consider AnyOption as an industry standard. A lot of trading tools can be easily used and some fresh trading options and assets are readily tradable every day. When it comes to returns, AnyOption it has a mere seventy one percent average return.


AnyOption was launched in 2008 and it can technically claim the title of being the very first Binary Options pioneer. It is among the very first companies who realized the benefits of binary options trading and immediately grabbed the chance. With their years of options trading and risk management experience, the team made their foremost binary options platform completely browser based for trading. As the pioneer and one of a kind platform, its trading tool was a change agent for other platforms out there. Nonetheless, it still has an edge over other platforms. Actually, another popular platform called SpotOption is founded on AnyOption’s binary option’s training platform.

The primary aspect on those two great platforms is its ease of use and practicality. Not like other fresh brokers, AnyOption rests on its decision to be loyal to conventional trading and remained to be more traditional than modern ones. Despite of making fresher trading methods such as Boundary and Range Options, AnyOption devoted its resources so that they can create more and better tools for trading like its Option+ which is an awesome trading tool that provides investors the choice to close and/or delay expiry time prior to closing right after asset purchases. The system on its own is really simple. A trader can even look through to four assets with all necessary details in just one click. Isn’t that very convenient?

If you want to view other newsfeed from the market you can simply navigate your way under Assets tab. AnyOption offers clients with profit line which is an easy to use but effective medium for keeping track of assets purchased. You can also do asset tracking when you register to its SMS service and will then send clients text messages when expiry time starts and ends.

When you see great news from the feed, you can even brag it to investors. The major reason why AnyOption is goods is that it has that conservative approach. Sometimes it’s much better to stick to old school tactic while binary option trading system is still on its way to maturity. Sticking to AnyOption can be your perfect choice to shun scams.


Beginners will surely appreciate what AnyOption can give them. Besides its easy to use feature and good platform with great tools, AnyOptionhas a fifteen percent refund for any purchases made for Out of Money results. Moreover, refunds from AnyOption are one of the highest in the trading market making it a bit lethal for novice traders. As for In the Money results, it only offers as high as a seventy five percent which is quite low and this makes it its sole weakness. However, this can’t totally be a shortcoming.

What you might see from AnyOption is that it is truly an honest broker that does not lie to its customers. The idea that it does not even have initial bonuses to traders proves that it is legit. In most cases, high bonuses are offered by brokers. This may seem too good to be true, however, these could probably stop traders from getting their money.

At the start of 2012, assets of AnyOptions are open for trading worldwide. IN the United States, stocks are the only thing obtainable to trade because AnyOption still hasn’t completed US regulation. When this will be completed the assets can be ready to trade. The reality that AnyOption stops its clients in America to invest in specific categories proves that it has shown a great amount of effort to be fully recognized. Generally, AnyOption is a great broker especially for beginner and it is also a secure haven for amateur ones.

Ultimate4Trading: scam or not? Our review uncovers all!

Is Ultimate 4 Trading a scam or not? That is the great question we will be answering in this review. Este bot comercial ya ha sido revisado a fondo, pero parece que nos hemos topado con nuevas pruebas. Evidencia que responde a la pregunta si Ultimate 4 Trading es una estafa o no. So let’s take a closer look at this bot in a new review, telling you the truth about this tool. Encuentra la respuesta a la pregunta que nos mantiene ocupados. Lea nuestro artículo y ver por sí mismo si Ultimate4Trading es una estafa o no.

Why would Ultimate 4 Trading be a scam?

The question if Ultimate4Trading is a scam is one that was bound to come up. It’s not so much a question that has been raised due to something the makers of Ultimate 4 Trading did, but more one that comes from a long history of scam artists trying to sell us rogue binary options trading tools. We have learned from the past that some tools just can’t be trusted, even though they promise us great things. And Ultimate4Trading also promises fantastic perks, such as:

It’s free

It’s easy to use

High, instant profits

Easy withdrawal

No education needed

Why would Ultimate 4 Trading not be a scam?

The question “Why is Ultimate 4 Trading a scam?” can easily be turned around to “Why would it NOT be a scam?” Luckily, we have an answer to that question. En nuestra revisión completa ya hemos hecho investigación para ver lo que dicen los usuarios reales acerca de Ultimate 4 Trading. Durante esta investigación no se dispararon alarmas de estafa. Pero queríamos profundizar un poco más. And even in our more thorough research, we couldn’t find unhappy users. Sure, some have not reached the full 80 percent accuracy yet, but that’s mostly because they haven’t traded long enough with the Ultimate4Trading software .

A largo plazo Ultimate 4 Los usuarios comerciales han dicho lo mismo hasta ahora. Ellos parecen estar muy contentos con el software y obtener ganancias en el 80 por ciento o más de sus operaciones. These traders don’t consider Ultimate 4 Trading to be a scam. En realidad recomiendan la herramienta.

Reasons to think Ultimate4Trading is a scam

So let’s make a list of the reasons why you could think Ultimate 4 Trading is a scam:

Many online trading bots are a scam

It sounds almost too good to be true

Better safe than sorry

Reasons to think Ultimate4Trading is NOT a scam

There are also many reasons to believe Ultimate 4 Trading is not a scam. Let’s look at those reasons:

If Ultimate 4 Trading was a scam, would so many people use it?

All users found online are really happy with the tool

No real negative reports of Ultimate 4 Trading can be found

So there you have it. Want to try it out? Sign up now!

Do we think Ultimate 4 Trading is a scam?

The reasons to think Ultimate4Trading is a scam are mostly based on apprehension and fear to try something new. It’s based on prior experience with similar bots that actually were scams. Y tenemos que ser honestos. También estábamos un poco preocupados. Pero luego hicimos nuestra investigación y encontramos comunidades de usuarios escribiendo críticas positivas sobre esta herramienta de comercio. And then we thought: how can there be so many positive reviews if Ultimate 4 Trading was a scam?

Read the full article about Ultimate4Trading here.

Nota: Binary Options Traders no tiene experiencia personal con el bot Ultimate 4 Trading. Nuestra estafa Ultimate4Trading o no revisión se basa únicamente en las historias de terceros. Opciones Binarias Traders no puede ser considerado responsable ni / o responsable por cualquier pérdida que haya ocurrido como consecuencia del uso de nuestro sitio web, la información que contiene o cualquier otra razón.


Signals Binary Options

Have an advantage over others of information is the key to success in any area, and so great the stress That Is Placed on getting que advantage. He was seen again and again, in many financial markets que, including binary options, and often Do Reached this advantage turned out to be a profitable venture. Therefore, it is on que que basis binary signals Were established. Signs of binary options are really information sent by professional advisors for people who signed up for this service. These signs or information helps operators to Recognize the best time to buy or sell an asset. For people who are new to trading, or Those Who require the skills needed to operate in this market by Their Own and are not good with computers as well, These signs are very useful for Them.

Signs of binary options are Typically presented by some third-party companies, as a special service for operators of digital options. They simply advise Their clients If They should do the Put or Call on a particular asset, or Whether They shouldnt move away from the particular asset.

Thus, the signal of binary options is a commodity trading alert, currencies, stocks or index. Usually companies charge a monthly fee on average of $ 299 or even bigger, of course, depends on the company or individual who Provides. You can also find many packages que offer long-term accessibility with low monthly subscription rates. The fees can be around $ 100 per month, or can even reach several hundred dollars per month. However, there are many companies offer que signals for free.

But before enrolling in binary signals, you shouldnt note que about 50% of the signs may not be all good the team. This is because the movement of the market is Generally unexpected and Therefore more careful and accurate analysis can be useless, once in a while. Even so, there are many marketers who choose to subscribe to all the same with the intention to update the information continuously changing. They are capable of doing Their Own analysis with the information They receive from the signs of binary options and trade accordingly.

Binary options signals are que Offered by different companies can vary from company to company. Many companies send SMS, emails, trackers performance, alerts, online and phone support. You can also find top analysis on some of the more refined offerings. In view of the binary options signals collegues have to defend Their strategies, because the negotiation with Them Often Involves A Certain amount of blind trust in the individual or company que sends the signals.

What you shouldnt remember is there is in the que shortcut for making stable profits in trading binary options. The uses of signs, However, que play an important role for the success of many operators. Binary options on the market que can be so profitable, there are many Undoubtedly Reasons to try to Achieve an informational advantage via binary signals. But before choosing a service of binary options trading signal, it is very important for you to encounter with a reliable vendor que does not make false statements or manipulate results. You can learn it easily, if you see the results que seem too good to be true. Keep in mind look for signs where you can make use of the demo, to see if the signals Offered by the company to be profitable before making a partnership.

Protect Yourself from Binary Option Scammers

Before investing, it is a must that you should do some research. Having confidence in your broker is a non-negotiable for every trader. Take time to investigate—especially if you aren’t dealing with your regular broker or investment adviser.

There are a lot of honest stockbrokers, brokerage firms, investment advisers and investment advisory firms that may be very reputable, but keep in mind that a number also are not.

Do intensive research before you even think of depositing money with any broker . There are numerous stories of investors being scammed out of their money because they didn’t do their due diligence – research as much as you can! The best way to minimize risk is to carefully select platforms/brokers that have been proven to be fair over a period of time. Examine the aspects of a brokerage or platform first-hand in order to avoid some of the pitfalls that have cost others a lot of money.

Reputable brokers will not entice potential and current traders with get-rich-quick promises or other easy ways to success – no gimmicks, no false promises. Bad brokers bring the “too good to be true” feeling. You should only open an account with a binary broker that offers realistic expectations of what you can expect in terms of risk and return. The financial markets are competitive and there are many skilled traders trying to generate income – you won’t win every time. So, if your broker is promising you an early retirement when trading with them, then I suggest you find another broker. Binary Options trading doesn’t work like that. There are no guarantees you will profit from binary options – just as being successful with any other type investment or trading strategy isn’t guaranteed.

Read ALL the terms and conditions and the FAQ thoroughly . Never skip reading broker’s Terms and Conditions. Check and make sure you understand the pay-out process and see if there are any minimum withdrawal thresholds. You should select a broker that has a trading platform you find easy to use. Other things to look out for include analysis tools, research tools, trading guides, tutorials, webinars and the like. These can be the perfect accoutrement to your trading experience. Success depends on a lot of factors that include market knowledge, experience, calculating risk and instinct. That is why brokers play a huge role in trading binary options. The purpose of the broker/trading platform is not to influence traders or how they execute trades. They are there to provide a reliable environment in which participants can conduct business.

Do a test withdrawal with a conservative d eposit before trading with your new broker . Don’t sink all of your money into a new market, brokerage or platform until you have evaluated results for yourself. Make a series of small trades and withdrawals, and consider comparing a few platforms before settling on one over another.

Be suspicious about requests for copies of your identity cards . Some brokers may try to steal your identity and your money. All brokers collect information on their customers, which can make this a challenge to avoid. When you deposit or withdraw you might provide your credit card information. However verification of identity by sending a copy of your valid IDs could be a scam. To avoid this, you may want to go with an online payment system which can help protect your identity.

Binary Options trading is actually a good trading vehicle and not a scam. But there are some dishonest brokers that are watching newbies as prey. Each investor has their own preferences and ways they rely on to make decisions. It will always be up to the individual to take the time to investigate different options before making any final decisions.

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Your vision and passion to help other people who really want to change their lives is next to none. Esta es, con mucho, las mejores opciones binarias de formación / educación y la plataforma de señalización que no sólo le enseña que usted puede hacer miles de dólares, pero lo que realmente necesita para ser un comerciante de éxito. What I’ve learnt so far is a goldmine. My only regret is that I didn’t discover The Binary Options Experts earlier when I started trading binary options and having to recondition my mind from the habits I have picked up on the way (not so good habits). Espero tener éxito en el comercio y el crecimiento personal con ustedes. Recomendaría a los expertos en opciones binarias a cualquiera que esté realmente comprometido con el proceso.

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Julian Baidoo

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Amanda Harman

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Alan P

Just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Usted debe estar orgulloso de que está haciendo lo que tantas empresas pretenden hacer, realmente ayudar y educar a los demás para que sean capaces de producir resultados reales y probados. Gracias de nuevo.

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Anita K

The profits I am seeing daily are by far and away the most immediate and lucrative I have ever experienced. Recomendaría a los expertos binarios de la opción a cualquier programa excepcional de la negociación, educación de vanguardia, ayuda práctica y oportuna y GRITAR LOS BENEFICIOS.

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Your vision and passion to help other people who really want to change their lives is next to none. Esta es, con mucho, las mejores opciones binarias de formación / educación y la plataforma de señalización que no sólo le enseña que usted puede hacer miles de dólares, pero lo que realmente necesita para ser un comerciante de éxito. What I’ve learnt so far is a goldmine. My only regret is that I didn’t discover The Binary Options Experts earlier when I started trading binary options and having to recondition my mind from the habits I have picked up on the way (not so good habits). Espero tener éxito en el comercio y el crecimiento personal con ustedes. Recomendaría a los expertos en opciones binarias a cualquiera que esté realmente comprometido con el proceso.

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Julian Baidoo

Since starting 3 months ago my account has more than trebled, on just placing trades on the indices. Las señales que se envían son claras y fáciles de entender, incluso para alguien como yo que tiene muy poco conocimiento comercial. I can’t thank The Binary Options Experts enough.

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Chris Smith

I just wanted to let you know I received major help from the videos in the member’s area. I took myself back to my college days…I sat down, focused, hand wrote the trade entry rules, reviewed them, reviewed the videos and I am on track. It’s like you said, it’s up to us to take responsibility for where we want to be.

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Amanda Harman

My trading is progressing nicely thanks. Por cierto, los webinars son excelentes, los encuentro muy motivadores y siempre recoges algo que resulta útil.

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Alan P

Just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Usted debe estar orgulloso de que está haciendo lo que tantas empresas pretenden hacer, realmente ayudar y educar a los demás para que sean capaces de producir resultados reales y probados. Gracias de nuevo.

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Anita K

The profits I am seeing daily are by far and away the most immediate and lucrative I have ever experienced. Recomendaría a los expertos binarios de la opción a cualquier programa excepcional de la negociación, educación de vanguardia, ayuda práctica y oportuna y GRITAR LOS BENEFICIOS.

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About binary options. How it works, a brief history lesson, and why to invest in them even if the markets and all the capital assets are all down.

A lot of people right now have the jitters about trading. While the stock market is doing huge business in record numbers, the economy is still in flux all over the world, making for a lot of nervous people. This is because people are nervous about their money and don’t completely understand how different trading platforms work.

Well, this article intends to explain to you about how binary options works . and how it can make you money no matter what the stock market is doing. And it doesn’t sound “too good to be true” - you just have to understand how the system works like any other trading platform.

Binary options are, simply put, a yes or no sort of question. With binary options, you simply select which way you think the asset will go and you will make just as much money (return on investment, or ROI) as you will if it goes up than if it goes down - as long as you predicted the movement correctly.

You see, binary options are not about traditional investing. They were invented in a 1973 paper by two very famous economists in the hopes of simplifying the trading process and reducing the traditional risk of investing in a stock. The equations behind binary options rely on all sorts of complicated mechanisms with market movements, but the overall system is reduced to the most basic trading components. In traditional market trading, one has to learn a lot about the rules of trading up, down, selling high and buying low, dividends on trades, and a whole lot more. However, with binary options, this is all reduced to a simple yes or no answer.

For example: Say you’re interested in trading oil assets. You pick out the asset (in this case, oil) and you are presented with three basic trading choices: high/low, range, and touch/no touch. High/low trading is simply choosing whether or not the asset will close higher or lower than the starting price point at the time of your investment. Range simply asks whether or not the asset being traded will stay within a range or move out of it on the graph during a set time. And touch/no touch simply asks whether or not the asset will touch the target price point during a set time or not.

As you can see, these are very easy decisions to make, especially if you are observant with the live data graph for a little while and know something of the asset in the market. You can easily deduce whether the asset will move up or down a certain amount in the given amount of time. Should you decide that the price of oil will be going down, and it does indeed go down, then you’ve predicted the movement correctly. The price of oil doesn’t factor into your actual earnings in any way whatsoever. All that you are required to do is make an investment on your prediction. Unlike traditional stock trading, you are not required for the asset price to go up before selling to earn a return on your investment. The fact is that with binary options, stock prices can be plummeting all day and you wouldn’t lose a dime as long as you predicted correctly. In fact, if you do predict their downfall all day, and you invest on that, and they do actually move down all day, you’d make just as much money as if they had gone up and you had invested on that instead.

That’s one reason why binary options are so attractive. there is far less risk than traditional stock trading. There’s also a lot less involved in trading, and you don’t need nearly as much money. Most people only invest a few dollars into each asset at the same time instead of the hundreds or, indeed, thousands of dollars just to buy a few shares of certain companies in the hopes that they will only go up. You see, in traditional stock investments, if your stock goes down, you lose all of your money. But not so with binary options. And with traditional investing, you need to invest far more and risk a lot more, and you don’t really know how much you are risking every day if the price index starts to fall.

That’s one reason why binary options are such a good platform, and why they have become so popular in recent years - because regular, non-professional, traders can not only afford to invest with them, but they are also able to make a tidy sum on the side trading anytime they like.

Most people don’t know that binary options were actually only available to high end stock traders and professional trading houses for decades before they were finally opened up to the general public in the last few years. And it was only because they proved to be so popular with professional high end investors that they finally did open up for everyone else to use. In a sense, it was restricted territory, only available to the top class of investors. These are, of course, people who know more about money trading than anyone else. Indeed, they not only wrote the book on market trading, they continue to write the rules for it. So you can imagine that they wouldn’t be wasting their time with a platform which doesn’t work, or doesn’t give them a chance of making a lot of money.

That’s why you should consider binary options to get started in trading. Just learn to watch the data graphs for a bit, take a few chances on a few assets with just a couple of dollars each time and see how it works. Unlike regular stocks, the most you’ll lose are the few dollars you put into it. You can’t really lose your shirt on binary options if you play the market wisely and with caution and you can only stand to gain over time. Remember to diversify your investments as in all platforms, and you’ll be watching your profits rolling in over time.

Posted in Binary Strategies on Feb 17th, 2017 | Comments Off

A binary trading scam is not that easy to spot in the first instance, but if you learn to know what to look for, being taken in can be avoided.

When I first started working online, I was reeled in by a binary trading scam ; a sad fact to admit, but it did teach me a lot and thankfully I didn’t lose a fortune . Many people do, and this has given binary trading a dubious reputation that can cloud the forums and make finding platforms that are genuine more difficult to pick out in many respects.

In a previous post . some weeks ago, we discussed tips for the beginner in binary trading. What we have not talked about too much is the very real industry of the binary trading scam. Read that post now, if you have not already. I urge you to research the platform, which is critical and should be central to your trading strategy. You could make the promised riches overnight, but if you cannot withdraw them, you are wasting your time and throwing your investment down the drain, or rather, straight into the pockets of the evil binary trading scam inventor!

Who Invents a Binary Trading Scam?

There are many, many scammers out there on the Internet and scams range from dubious ad posting jobs to fake charities – we know this ; it is nothing new and we all have the old chestnut, but fairly reliable saying ‘If it sounds too good to be true, it often is’ rattling around in our heads. Sometimes this will make us super-cautious, but other times, we will tell ourselves that it is worth a try – often when we are broke and struggling to pay the bills!

It is then that we are at our most vulnerable and ripe for scamming. The binary trading scam inventor knows this and is waiting to prey upon those vulnerabilities and reel us in. Many of these scammers will be hiding deep within an affiliate network that encourages others to ‘do the dirty work’. Some are easier to spot than others…

Staged videos of fast cars, huge houses and glamorous girls lolling around the pool

Speedboats whizzing across the ocean while the ‘trader’ sips Champagne on the deck

These, I would consider, are the easy-to-spot, ‘ too good to be true ’ lines, but some can be a little more subtle in delivery, with sincere-looking old ladies, sometimes portrayed as the scammers’ Mum, who learned this method in days and increased her pension fund tenfold.

How Can You Avoid a Binary Trading Scam?

There are, quite simply, two ways to avoid being sucked in by a binary trading scam …

You avoid the entire binary trading system altogether!

You spend time conducting careful research into binary platforms

In order to ensure that you operate on a genuine binary trading platform you must apply yourself to some digging around. I am not talking about a quick Google search, which of course you should do, but go a little deeper than the first few pages. Often, scammers will post many articles that can push genuine complaints down the rankings. Here are a few easy things you can do…

Investigate addresses and also telephone the platforms using the customer support numbers; talk to them – find out as much as you can and use your instincts.

Genuine binary trading platforms are regulated and this can be verified over the telephone with the relevant bodies very easily.

Read the forums that you find within your Google search. Bear in mind that in some complaints there will be sour grapes because people have lost their money trading with no strategy. Look for poor customer services responses and more importantly, look for people who have been unable to withdraw funds!

To be cautious with binary trading is a good thing, but ultimately, working with a genuine platform can prove to be extremely lucrative . Don’t let the binary trading scam put you off, just be sensible, take recommendations from trusted parties and don’t invest any money until you feel happy that you have done all you can to avoid a binary trading scam.

Many investors use regular option contracts as a hedge, so it’s only natural for this question to come up. Ultimately, binary options can’t be used as effective hedges. Some traders will disagree, but buying a binary contract will actually add more risk in other areas in the long run.

To understand why this is the case, we’ll use an example. Tom is an investor that owns a few shares of stock. He thinks the company he owns stock in is about to have a poor earnings report, so he plans for a drop in the value of his shares. In theory, Tom can buy puts that expire after the earnings report, making up for his losses in share value with the payouts from the binary options.

However, because binaries are all-or-nothing contracts, the combined risk from the binary options add more risk to the equation than they take out of it. Tom’s strategy would only pay off well if his prediction was correct, and the stock price dropped below his binary’s strike price, and if the binary expired during that time.

Another famous form of hedging is to simultaneously buy one stock and then short another stock that is in the same industry. In theory, the industry’s performance will impact both stock prices at different magnitudes (and in some cases, one will increase and the other will decrease), thereby spreading the risk across multiple positions. Applying this to binary trading doesn’t work in the same way, as some would hope.

For starters, the trader can only buy binary contracts, not short them. So the next move would be to simultaneously buy a call and put binary. Since the payout will generally always be less than 100% of the initial amount invested, this strategy will immediately backfire. If the contracts each cost $100 with a payout of 75%, the trader would spend $200 and only be able to receive a $175 payout, losing $25 each time this strategy is used.

The skewed probability of winning and time restriction are what make binary options a less viable way to hedge portfolios when compared to other alternatives

A simple internet search for “binary options” results in a screen filled with titles of pages asking essentially, “Are Binary Options a Scam?” These questions aren’t without cause. But given how new this financial development is, it would be unjustified to label it as a swindle and shutdown all existing operations.

There seems to be a plethora of complications being received by investors that have experienced this industry, however. The brokers’ business models, the feeling of gambling, the paranoia of changing laws and the seemingly massive amount of people losing their money have all given the industry a bad reputation thus far.

The companies dealing in binary options don’t exactly help themselves, either. There are many videos online of binary options brokers demonstrating how to trade binaries using their platform, expressing titles such as “Make $215 in 5 minutes!” This action alone gives the average person grounds to become suspicious. The claim makes it sound too good to be true. Time will tell how well this market is received. For now, stick with the regulated dealers, as they’re the safest bet.

In the US, the SEC and CFTC regulate the binary options market. Under SEC policy, any company offering to sell securities must be registered with the SEC, otherwise the sale is illegal.

Brokers that offer stock binary options are therefore required to register with the SEC and agree to its policies because these options are based on actual stock prices. This is true for all brokers looking to do business in the US.

The CFTC seems to focus more on who the broker is selling to and how it gains customers. Its policies state that entities attempting to solicit commodity options transactions from U. S. citizens without conducting it through a designated contract market is illegal. This rule is exempt in the case the broker conducts the transactions through an exempt board of trade, a legitimate foreign board of trade, or if their customers have a net worth that exceeds $5 million.

There have been many complaints of fraud from investors who have traded binary options on internet-based platforms. On June 6, 2017 an alert was sent out from investor. gov because of the increased number of complaints. The alert stated that while the SEC and CFTC regulate a number of brokerages that deal in this market, it’s a relatively small number compared to the rest of it. The warning also states that the number of internet-based trading platforms have increased substantially in the recent years, with many of them not complying with U. S. law.

Because of the confusion brought on by deciding what a binary option actually is, many investors don’t know how to file the gains or losses from trading them on their taxes.

For the most part, neither does the SEC or the CFTC. Binaries are still new, and many question whether it should actually be considered as an option contract. For traditional options in the US, traders fill out Section 1256 from Form 6781 which pertains to contract investments from dealer equity options or non-equity options. If the trades were based on currencies, however, the other alternative would be to file taxes on Section 988.

Again, the laws regulating binary options are subject to change at anytime. This means that traders could be forced to withdraw their funds should they be deemed illegal, or that certain changes will be mandatory which affect the process of binary trading. This could also mean the tax laws regarding money brought in or lost by trading them will also change. For now, filing a Section 1256 seems to be how the majority of US binary traders file, and the IRS will have to accept it for now.

Every binary options contract has a strike price, a payout, an expiration date, a definition of its terms, and a premium. Traders can purchase as many contracts as their broker allows.

The strike price is the price that the underlying asset can be bought or sold at. For binary options, since actual ownership of the asset never comes into play, it simply acts as the focal point of being in the money or out of it.

The payout is a percentage of the initial amount risked, paid by the broker and received by the trader. Note that the payout is known before the trade is actually taken.

The expiration date is the length of time an options contract is active. Expirations vary among brokers anywhere from five minutes to a year. After the expiration date is passed, the trader either receives the payout (in the case the option is out of the money) or receives nothing.

Calls, puts, no-touch and touch options are the terms of the contract, dictating under what conditions make the contract valuable or worthless. These will be discussed shortly in later sections.

Every options contract comes with a price to purchase it. In other words, traders pay a premium on a contract they want to buy. It’s also worth mentioning that with binary options, the trader is always paying the premium (and cannot receive one), since they can’t sell the contracts.

Binary option brokers typically make their money one of two ways, or sometimes a combination of both: through fees charged per trade or on traders’ losing trades. This is mostly dependent on whether the broker offers an American or European-styled binary option, which is answered in a later question.

The fees charged per trade are a fixed dollar amount per contract, up to a certain number of contracts. It’s important to note that most brokers that operate this way charge twice, on the entry and on the exit of the trade. The second charge generally only occurs if the trade is successful for the trader.

Because the fee is normally capped, this makes it more economical to trade a higher number of contracts, given the trader has a high enough account value to manage a higher volume of trades. Say Broker A charges $1.00 per contract up to $10.00, and the trader buys 5 contracts. The trader would pay $5.00 and another $5.00 if the contract expires in the money. The second charge may vary if the trader closes the trade before the expiration date and in the money.

A few other binary brokers also charge through the standard spread-based business model. In this system, traders buy and sell on bid and ask prices based on the current market price, and the broker collects the difference between the two.

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Quick Trading with Binary Options

Published: December 18, 2017 at 4:53 AM

Quick Trading with Binary Options

One of the most unique ways binary option traders can generate fast returns is through the so called “Quick Options” platform feature. This distinct feature was developed exclusively for investors who don’t want to spend too much of their precious time waiting for an option to expire in the money and prefer to trade on the fast track. There is no major difference between quick options trading and other forms of trading, such as high/low, range or one touch. It all sums up into one important factor: time.

Quick options enable opening & closing of binary option positions in time frames of 30 sec. 60 sec. (1 minute), 120 sec. (2 minutes), 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour. Besides their popularity amongst traders of online binary options, they are very easy to activate. In terms of the assets one can select to trade on using the quick options feature, the opportunities are quite extensive. More than 100 stocks, currencies, commodities and indices are always available.

Focusing on the shorter time frames, take a minute and imagine that you are opening & closing a 30 seconds quick option position, generating 84% profit on it, and doing so in less time that it takes you to prepare an espresso. How good does that sound? Well, it not only sounds, it’s actually the reality of things. Quick options were meant exactly for that purpose: choosing an asset to trade on, selecting the direction of the market, pressing a button and waiting ONLY 30 sec. until generating profit.

And you know what the best part about quick options is? You don’t need a finance degree, financial background or investment knowledge in order to start trading with quick options. In fact, most online brokers will provide you all the necessary tools and professional knowledge you’ll ever need in order to assist you with understanding what quick options binary trading is all about. With that being said, if you think that it sounds too good to be true, we simply suggest you to try it out and see the enormous potential that exists within quick options trading.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información u opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.


MMATC SCAM REVIEW AKA Profit Hackers System

Please avoid this scam software at all cost. Really no reason to throw your money on the wind, just read out honest review!

MMATC is new binary options auto trading service. Don’t be fooled the shady creators behind this software, want to hit from two sides with 2 different names. The MMATC is the official one behind the URL MMATC. com and the other name is Profit Hackers System with URL: profithackersystem. com. The release date scheduled for 23.11.2017. We believe the official name The MMATC will be used as forward name and the creators will hit Google and YOUTUBE with it and from behind, some email marketers will blast millions of invitations based on Profit Hackers system. Please check the both sites they are similar looking and the presentation video is the same.

Snapshot from MMATC:

Why we think that THE MMATC is a Scam Aka Profit Hacker System

Now let’s see what we are looking at! The MMATC is binary option software that will place trades on your behalf on complete auto pilot. Sonia Lewis the fake voice over actor inside the MMATC presentation video claims that she will guarantee at least $1000 daily profit. The thing is that online trading and the word guarantee don’t walk hand in hand. It’s impossible to predict where exactly the markets are heading. We, the day traders can say if there is HIGH probability of something to happen or LOW probability, nothing is certain! There is zero legit information that can be extracted from the MMATC video. Explaining of how this software is working or on what algorithm is based on. If you have the time to watch the presentation you will just waste 14 minutes listening to the pathetic nonsenses that Sonia Lewis is preaching. But if you have the nerves to watch it till the end you will notice some testimonials. Unfortunately they are not real, they are made from paid fiverr actors, and we will expose them! Another proof that MMATC is a Scam!

Click on the pictures to check out the real pe rsonalitires of those paid actors!

With quick search we found two of the testimonial actors, unfortunately we couldn’t provide you with the link of the girl and kid testimonial but we have seen her before in fiverr so we are confident that you can research and find her there. And we also, want to tell her that she need to be ashamed of herself involving the cute kid into multi-million scam industry.

Let’s continue our scam review and take a look at MMATC website. Even form the start we witness some crazy statements of how someone managed to generate over 1.1 million dollars by simply using this software. Further down you will see more member testimonials.

The photo of so called “Jason Knipe” is used on several other proven scam software trading solutions with different fake personalities.

Continuing to debunk the MMATC or Profit Hackers System, call it whatever you want. We found some serious blunder. At the bottom the web page you can notice some verification badges. You can confirm that they are not clickable and they don’t mean anything and definitely the pages of MATC and Profit Hacker System are not SSL protected, you can recognize the SSL protected pages from the green bar at the left side of the URL. Check the example snapshot.

What else you can add to our MMATC scam review. Let’s kill the myth of “NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED” “PUT YOUR CREDIT AWAY” well please do not put it away because if you want to trade with this or any other software, you will need to sign with sync-able broker inside and deposit at least $250 to start.

Summary of the MMATC scam software:

We can easily confirm that all the information exposed in the MMATC is misleading and the hidden purpose behind is definitely not harmless! Fake Voice over actor, phony testimonials, misleading verifications, we just couldn’t find any reliable information that can bring some authority to this software.

Final Verdict: MMATC is a SCAM! Profit hacker system or whatever they want to call it must be avoided at all cost.

Newcomer to binary options industry? Make sure to stay away from similar to the MMATC scams, our black list can help you a lot with that. Remember one thing, landing on BO service that looks too good to be true there is very high probability to turns out that it’s just another scam software. Behind every decent service there is a strong industry company or authority real person. Just make small research and if you can’t find transparent information about the service, it will be batter to stay away. There are plenty of good alternatives to the MMATC. We invite you to check out at Mikes AT. The person behind it is real and you should easy find good reliable information on him. Or you look to trade directly with binary options broker? Take a look at the fully EU regulated TOPoption. No matter what you decide keep in mind that online trading involves certain risk. Please avoid risky trading with money you can’t afford to lose!

Para más preguntas póngase en contacto conmigo en: binaryoptionsspot@gmail. com

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How to avoid getting scammed in Binary Options

Rule No 1: If it is too good to be true, probably it is scam.

Do not believe any money machine bots. They do not exist. No banker is not letting you download that bot for free or $499. Just think for a moment. Yes, you can make money but not by pushing a red button and watching the money flow but by learning how to trader. So, do not let the over-the-moon promise cloud your perception of reality.

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Binary Options Strategy

Making Money with Binary Options

If you’re serious about making money online, and you’re fed up of all the scams out there, then why not take a leave out of wall streets book, and start trading online. Up until recently the glitzy world of trading stocks and currencies was for an elite group of people that either studied towards university degrees or somehow managed to get in with a company that could offer private in house training. In short, being a stock brokers or traders simply wasn’t an easy get to do, but the rewards are plain to see. Fast cars, girls and boozy nights with celebrities seemed to be the accepted norm for such people, but this didn’t mean anything to joe public because you’ve got about as much chance of becoming a doctor as you do to become a millionaire trader. But it’s not like that any more, with the internet growing and internet speeds getting faster and faster, its now possible to trade from home with pin point accuracy…… but how do we learn to do this? The simple answer, is that you don’t have to, and this truth is echoed with the development of a piece of software called Option Bot . the world most accurate binary options indicator for currency pairs. This software allows you to make consistent winning trades from home, trades that can make you profit as much as $1622 in just 45 minutes, trading currency pairs with Binary Options . and all you do is follow the instructions from the software. Think this is too good to be true? Well it isn’t, this software can make anyone a superstar trader, which means that moments from now, you could trade up your humdrum car for a Ferrari in a months, if not weeks thanks to this amazing bit of software. Option Bot is free for the first 7 days too, allowing you make more than enough money in the first week to purchase the lifetime use licence for just $97 . So if you want a better life, and more importantly want more money…. There is no safter way to go that this way.


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Hi MBO Community, I don’t see any introduction posts so I thought I’d be the first to do so. My name is Jenette, yes I am a girl trading binary options! For some reason people think chicks cannot trade lol. Why is that? I don’t know if anybody here remembers the popular Cherry. She kicked ass and made a lot of money trading binaries. I am here to learn and build knowledge with the hope to become successful myself at some point.

What’s up everyone. I just have a question about the withdrawal process with these binary options brokers. I have an account with Any Option and they are telling me I cannot take out any profits until I send in my documents. I really just wonder why, since they didn’t ask for any documents before taking my money lol.

Thanks for your time. & # 8211; cuña

Binary options are a much fast pace high risk form of investing and is not for everyone. Please make sure to practice on demo before opening a live account and test out your strategies as something that works on forex will most likely not work for binary options. Binary options is a term that refers to the binary code 0,1 computer language and they use this comparison for a reason. You only have two options either up and down. Your either right or your wrong hence the term binary (two). Binary Options are a very fast pace environment and need to be treated with respect unless you want to go bankrupt. One could even make the comparison to the high frequency traders on wall street that pump and dump stocks in seconds rather than holding positions for longer periods of time. Binary options are in a way sort of the beginners version of forex for some but also many newbies are trapped into losing their entire accounts due to false thoughts of it being “easy to make money”. It’s never easy to make money and anything that seems too good to be true usually is. Another thing most people forget to mention is that with binary options there is no real liquidity other than what is in the broker’s bank account. Unlike forex there are no banks or financial institutions backing any binary options brokers to payout clients and also there are no spreads so brokers get paid solely from losses. So basically the only way binary options brokers make money is by having more losing traders than winning ones which in a way is kind of how Forex works but is not as sophisticated or regulated. Forex has also been around a lot longer and binary still has a long way to go.

Espero que esto ayude.

Binary Options User Reviews

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AVISO: Este sitio web NO es propiedad de ninguna compañía de opciones binarias. La información de este sitio es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende ser exhaustiva ni proporcionar asesoramiento legal u otro tipo de asesoramiento. Las opiniones expresadas en los artículos de los colaboradores o en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de MetaBinaryOptions. com. Los artículos y otras publicaciones en este sitio son actuales a partir de su fecha de publicación y no necesariamente reflejan la presente ley o regulaciones. MetaBinaryOptions. com no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas que puedan derivarse del acceso o dependencia de la información contenida en este sitio. MetaBinaryOptions. com no es responsable por el contenido de los sitios de Internet externos que enlazan con este sitio o que están vinculados desde el mismo. EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas empresas no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras.

How to Make Money Trading Binary Options

Market Focus Guarantees Greater Success in Binary Options Trading

As a binary options trader, the most important thing is to use your skills and abilities to trade assets that you understand. But learning exactly which binary options trades to dabble in requires some doing. Provided you keep your ear close to the ground and understand the pulse of the market, you can make consistent profits. But one of the biggest mistakes made by novice traders is rushing into trades without due diligence. Trading is a complex and intensive process. There simply is no substitute for an effective trading strategy .

Making Money: The Ultimate Online Trading Guide

Prior to depositing and trading at any old binary options trading site, it’s important to shop around. Take careful note of which sites are offering what types of tradable assets. In this vein it’s important to diversify your portfolio by selecting a binary trading site that does not impede your trading activity, or try to get you to trade a limited number of assets. Select a binary options trading site that allows for maximum diversification on your assets. Provided you have done your research, you will find plenty of value in a binary options trading brand that meets your trading requirements.

Claim Your Binary Options Trading Bonus

Did you know that the vast majority of binary options brokers offer newly registered traders generous sign-up bonuses. All the major brokers are actively seeking new clients, since they are the lifeblood of these online trading sites. One such way to attract people is with generous sign up bonuses. Sometimes you may be able to hedge your bets by trading at multiple different binary options trading sites – using the bonuses in question. By playing around with sign-up bonuses at different sites, you can easily generate consistent profits as a newbie trader. But a caveat is in order: Binary Options sign up bonuses are only available to new traders . Once you’ve deposited your cash at a broker you don’t particularly like, it’s already a foregone conclusion. All binary options bonuses come with trading requirements. You will need to meet those terms and conditions first before you are able to draw out the cash from your winning trades.

Avoid the Impossible Promises from Trading Sites

Many binary options trading sites promise traders access to little-known trading tips and advice. Anything that sounds too good to be true invariably is. There simply is no such thing as guaranteeing your winnings with binary options. If there were such a formula, nobody would want to share it with anyone. Any guarantees you hear about should sound immediate alarm bells in your head. Stick with the basics, learn about the assets you’re trading and use a demo trading account. Once you’re ready to venture into the world of binary options trading simply pick a site and trade .

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4 Misconceptions About Binary Options

by Sean Bryant on December 1, 2017

Over the past couple of years, binary options have become increasingly popular with traders popping up all over the world. Of course there is a lot to love about the world of exotic options, but the community surrounding it is also continuing to learn about how to make the most of every trade. However, with this sudden growth in popularity, some misconceptions have also arisen. Let’s address those now.

There Is Only One Type of Binary Option

One of the best parts of binary options is that there is so much diversity. While you should start small and master one trade before moving forward, you also don’t want to forget about all of your options. The strength of trading options is that you can work in any economic environment. No matter what the market is doing, you can prosper if you understand that you’re not tied to any one option.

Trading Binary Options Is Easy

This is a misconception you absolutely have to do away with ASAP if you’re going to have any success in this market. Exotic options trading has a bad reputation with a lot of people because they tried it and quit after a week or so because they weren’t millionaires and were certain the entire market was just a scam. If it was easy to make a ton of money through trading, everyone would be doing it. While it’s certainly an opportunity that is open to many, that doesn’t mean you can just turn on your computer and begin trading successfully. This will take time and you will have to work at it. As long as you understand options trading is the real deal, you should look at others dropping out as a good thing. This leaves more opportunity for you and less people muddying the waters.

There Are Shortcuts

This piece of advice goes along with the above, but it’s worth repeating. Successful binary traders didn’t fall out of the sky. They worked hard until they were able to trade consistently with confidence. Here’s what they didn’t do: they didn’t sign up for one of those “get rich quick schemes” you see all over the place. You know what we’re talking about. If something seems too good to be true, it definitely is.

Finally, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those who have become convinced that trading options is impossible to profit from and have no point. To them, an exotic option is little more than the flip of a coin. However, the proof that this isn’t true is everywhere. People have already made fortunes and many more are bringing in a solid income as full-time traders. Just be patient and put in your hours like everyone else. Success will come.

Don’t let these four misconceptions about exotic options become your downfall. Instead, learn to ignore them and you can join the ranks of successful binary traders who are seeing substantial profits on a weekly basis.

Sean Bryant

Sean Bryant created OneSmartDollar. com in 2011 to help pass along his knowledge of finance and economics to others. After graduating from the University of Iowa with a degree in economics he worked as a construction superintendent before jumping into the world of finance. Sean has worked on the trade desk for a commodities brokerage firm, he was a project manager for an investment research company and was a CDO analyst at a big bank. That being said he brings a good understanding of the finance field to the One Smart Dollar community. When not working Sean and he wife are avid world travelers. He enjoys spending time with his daughter Colette and dog Charlie.

EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Advertimos a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de los peligros de comerciar con tales entidades y les aconsejamos encarecidamente que tomen asesoría legal sobre esto en los Estados Unidos.

Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptions. net.

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Binary options?

hello to everyone. I am VERY interested in this binary options. it started with a e-mail from Million dollar insider. This sounds to good to be true, a simple high low game? Everything I research on this type of "betting" is on the plus side. I do understand that messing in the market is a gamble. This seems to be worth the gamble. Is it really? My mothers husband traded stocks and lost thousands, when I ask him about this type of "betting" all he would say is, "it lies and will never work". I am not expecting to make millions or even thousands (at this point) but a few hundred a day or week sounds great. Yes there will money lost but is the return worth the gamble? I say "yes" he yells "no". May I get some advice on the matter, and who is the broker to trust? Please help me out. Thank you VERY much


Honestly I would run the other way if I was you. It takes time and skill to become a good trader does not matter what it is stocks forex bonds sexual devices arms drugs you name it each requires skill that must be learned from time and dedication. You run out on the field with a new baseball glove and uniform you expect the yankees to hire you right off the bat! Then why the F___ do people think they can trade like they are pros, sure it looks easy but oh hell no its not. Then again I do this everyday so like whatever but honestly if you are looking for easy money get a job cause this is WORK! Look at what happens when you trade for too long, it can make you retarded --->

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Approach binary options with the mindset of a business and the determination to work 3x harder than you profit so if your profit grows you work even harder and if you lose money at first you work even harder than that. Forget gamble and terms like this and remember this is not a team sport no one can have a greater impact on your success than you and that is a double edged sword anyone who speculates on anything lives with each day.

Forex Binary Options Broker Scams

Forex Binary Options Broker Scams 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Given the fact that there are many different brokers out there, it’s not impossible that you’ll be fooled by those who don’t have any other goal but to steal your hard-earned money. If you’ve been burned by broker scams before, know that you’re not alone. Stealing, cheating and outright scamming is very common in binary options so you need to get real information first before risking your money. How do you protect yourself from broker scams? Here are a few tips and tricks:

Check out independent broker reviews . If you want to do business with a reliable forex binary options broker, conduct your own thorough research about the brokers you’re interested in. Start by visiting their websites and checking out trader reviews and ratings sites then scroll towards the bottom of the pages. This is where you would normally see a long list of comments from random visitors. Read through them and decide for yourself.

Don’t fall for offers that are too good to be true . A lot of traders fall into the hands of scammers because they easily get fooled with the attractive discounts and commissions that they’re promised with. The rule of thumb here is that if the offer you receive seems too good to be true, there must be something wrong somewhere so you better move on to your other options. Keep in mind that you don’t just deposit some money at a binary trading broker and start earning quick cash without doing anything much.

Look for a broker with a strong regulatory system . It’s very important that the brokerage firm you sign up with is carefully regulated because there’s no point in having the best strategy in forex binary options with your broker coming from a country that doesn’t have a strong regulatory system.

Test out brokers before buying . Another important thing to keep in mind to prevent getting scammed by brokers is try them first before making any financial commitment. See if the broker answers your questions and responds to them quickly. Check if it also offers you reliable and professional binary options advice or not.

Go over the terms and conditions . You should never trust a broker that changes its terms and conditions at any point and before making an investment, look out for clauses in the terms of the broker to see if there’s anything that talks about allowing for retroactive changes especially in terms of payouts. You see, it helps to be a bit more savvy because you get to avoid scams this way.

It can be really frustrating to make an investment, expect your money to generate profits for you and end up realizing that you’ve fallen in the trap of broker scams. You don’t want to lose instead of winning income so know who you should trust before making a huge investment. Also, given that forex binary options trading is very risky, only use the money that you are willing to lose because if you gamble everything you have, you might end up without a penny. If you’re considering the idea of depositing at any binary broker, research first before making a move. You owe it to yourself. Best of luck on your trades!

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Option Bot | Option Bot Review | Option Bot Download | Negociación de opciones binarias

If you’re serious about making money online, and you’re fed up of all the scams out there, then why not take a leave out of wall streets book, and start trading online.

Up until recently the glitzy world of trading stocks and currencies was for an elite group of people that either studied towards university degrees or somehow managed to get in with a company that could offer private in house training.

In short, being a stock brokers or traders simply wasn’t an easy get to do, but the rewards are plain to see. Fast cars, girls and boozy nights with celebrities seemed to be the accepted norm for such people, but this didn’t mean anything to joe public because you’ve got about as much chance of becoming a doctor as you do to become a millionaire trader.

But it’s not like that any more, with the internet growing and internet speeds getting faster and faster, its now possible to trade from home with pin point accuracy…… but how do we learn to do this?

The simple answer, is that you don’t have to, and this truth is echoed with the development of a piece of software called Option Bot, the world most accurate binary options indicator for currency pairs.

This software allows you to make consistent winning trades from home, trades that can make you profit as much as $1622 in just 45 minutes, trading currency pairs with Binary Options, and all you do is follow the instructions from the software.

Think this is too good to be true? Well it isn’t, this software can make anyone a superstar trader, which means that moments from now, you could trade up your humdrum car for a Ferrari in a months, if not weeks thanks to this amazing bit of software.

Option Bot is free for the first 7 days too, allowing you make more than enough money in the first week to purchase the lifetime use licence for just $97. So if you want a better life, and more importantly want more money…. There is no safter way to go that this way.

Finally someone has managed to develop a bot for binary options. It’s an indicator called Option Bot, and if you have been one of those people that sees the potential in binary options, but didn’t know how to get started… then this is for you. You just have to turn the software on, let it run in the background, and then it will tell you to make a trade.

You make that trade, and you make money. It’s as simple as that, and most people are reporting between an 85% and 92% success rate, meaning less than 20% of their trades lose.

This is music to my ears, and I’m sure it is to many other peoples too. But how can this all be possible?

Well, Option Bot has it’s own live data feed from financial markets. I don’t know where they get it from, whether they pay a company or whether they extract the data themselves, but one thing is for certain, it’s so accurate and clearly a few milliseconds faster than the feeds that some binary options platforms use.

So what does this mean? Well it means that you know before anyone else what is happening in the currency market, and if you watch their very simple to follow demo video on their homepage, you’ll realise that you too can start making trades as profitable as $1622 in 45 minutes.

This software deserves an award of some kind…. It really does

Binary Options Trading is quite a simple concept, you choose if an asset is going to go up or down within a set amount of time, and if you’re correct you get a fixed amount back in the region of 180%.

What’s not to love about that? Well I’ll tell what isn’t to be loved about that, and that’s the fact that it’s pretty much guess work, meaning that you can’t really make informed trades.

But fortunately, some brightspark computer geeks have come to our rescue, by creating a piece of software called Option Bot. the worlds most accurate binary options indicator.

Option Bot features one of the best live financial data feeds of it’s kind, some speculate that it might even be faster than the feeds that some platforms use, giving it a sort of precognitive advantage for the user.

However, the most important thing to focus on is that this is the first piece of software of it’s kind to be made available for public use, whereas people normally have software like this developed for personal use to win more trades.

So how does it work?

Well, you have 2 main parameters that you set on the software, tolerance (which is basically the same as PIPS) and time frame (between 1 minute and 1 hour) the default settings when you first launch the software are the same of that on the video on the site, that shows the software providing just 2 signals, which allowed the user to profit by $1622 in 45 minutes.

The software basically looks at the settings you’ve decided on, so lets say you set it to 30 PIPS in 15 Minutes, if it sees any upward or downward movement in 15 minutes of that size, it will tell you where and when this happened. This then allows the user to either select a call or put option, which in the case of the video advice on the site, they use a what goes up must come down ethos, so if it shows EUR/USD going UP they will place a trade going DOWN.

It really works, and it’s good to finally see some binary options software to give more traders the edge. Certainly worth checking out, especially as you can download and use the software for free for the first 7 days with no obligation.

Click Here Option Bot Officiall Web Site

There’s something very exciting about to happen, and you really need to pay attention. Whatever it is you think you need to be doing right now, you need to look at this instead.

A product called Option Bot has made history by bringing currency trading through binary options to the masses.

An amazing development for binary options trading…. hell… anyone that wants to make money online is now upon us, and I just wanted to give you a little heads up about it.

First and foremost, this software has the power to yield $1622 in just 45 minutes, with a live video demonstration of the software doing it’s thing.

Secondly, whilst this software is fully customizable, it comes pre-set to to simply open, login and start making this sort of life changing money each and every hour.

Thirdly, is so easy to use that a single mum with no experience of binary options trading made over £12,000 (about $20,000) in 5 days… more she says, than she used to make in a year.


Scam review: Binary Vault

In this review we are going to prove the “Binary Vault” presented by Maverick Michales is a scam that you should stay away from.

Binary options scams are nowadays all the same. Maverick starts his presentation video with a series of fake testimonials to get your attention and then he tells you the usual story of a guy that has a binary options trading system that generates lots of money. And guess what, he will give it to you for free. And he guarantees that you will make $1000 in your first day. Literally too good to be true.

So more or less an ordinary binary options scam. On the Binary Vault page you will also find some fake awards and a badge from Binary Verify. which we know is a scam web site created to support binary options scams.

But Maverick gives away a very tangible proof of the Binary Vault being a scam. You just need to watch for a few minutes his so called live trading results. We did it for about 12 minutes to see how the open trades would evolve and we had a good laugh.

Just look at the image below at the Google and USD/JPY binary options. On the left you see that in the beginning they were Call options (+). And 12 minutes later on the right screenshot you can see that as the price moved in the wrong direction, the options were changed to Put (-) on the go.

Moreover you can also see that the Total Profit is after 12 minutes $125 bigger, although no options were closed in the meantime! The total of won and lost trades and ties is the same. So here you have some very good proofs that the Binary Vault is a big scam.

So we’ll say it again, if you want to make money with binary options, you first have to learn to trade. Then you have to trade yourself, no system will make you money for free.

Mensaje de navegación

Double scam: Instant Trader and Binary Verify

Scam alert: The APL Bot by Gunnar Erikkson on binary options

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How to Pick the Right Binary Options Brokers is not Difficult

Choosing the right binary options brokers is a key component to successful trading. Selecting a broker to help you in this field is most likely one of the first things you’ll do on your way to becoming a trader, but it’s not a step you should rush.

A good broker who knows what they’re doing can make all the difference. You need a person who is knowledgeable and trustworthy. But how do you separate the good binary options brokers from the bad ones?

While brokers don’t walk around with huge signs on their foreheads saying if they’re good or bad, there are things you can look out for in order to make the right decision.

Here are a few key pointers to help you out:

Research the broker’s reputation

Reputation says a lot not only about a person’s performance in the field they work in, but also about their character. Your broker will handle your investment while it is in your trading account, so you need a person you can trust and who knows what they are doing.

Luckily, the Internet has given us the tools to check out one’s reputation before we commit to anything. A simple search on Google is sometimes enough to help you determine whether a broker is worthy of your trust or not.

Look up customer reviews for additional information, but also keep in mind that some reviews might be fake. Simply put: If they sound too good to be true, they probably aren’t.

Visit the broker’s website and don’t ignore that fine print

Most binary options brokers have a website that’s usually packed with information. It’s very important to read everything on that website before you agree to anything. That includes FAQ, terms and conditions, and all that fine print you might be tempted to ignore.

If you don’t treat this part seriously and choose to bypass all this information, you could find yourself entering into an agreement you know nothing or little about. It’s a mistake a lot of new traders make. One that you should do your best to avoid.

I know that sounds like a lot of work and you’re tempted to skip it altogether, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The best binary options brokers go that extra mile

Brokers who really care about their customers’ success will go that extra mile to help them by providing more than just a trading service. Quality brokers are passionate about what they do and are willing to share their knowledge and trade secrets with others.

A great broker will go above and beyond for you. For example, I put in a lot of time and effort into writing articles that aim to provide the easiest and most secure binary options advice and methods for traders.

I know how important it is for traders to keep up-to-date with trading news and that’s why I make sure my subscribers stay updated with the latest news and reviews in the industry. If you want to be a part of that club, make sure you subscribe today.

I know how important it is for traders to keep up-to-date with trading news and that’s why I make sure my subscribers stay updated with the latest news and reviews in the industry. If you want to be a part of that club, make sure you subscribe today.

*I wish to receive offers and email communications from malaysiabinarybrokers. com and any of its affiliated parties/websites/partners.

Live Financial news

Binary Options Trading Signals: ITM Review

The truth about Binary Options Trading Signals: ITM Review. If you were interested in knowing how to identify scam and fraudulent binary options trading platforms, then you don’t have to go far as we have one just here: and its BinaryInternational. com. According to Watchdog, a website that reviews and identifies fake and scam websites, Binary International is not recommended because it’s not regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC), or any regulatory body for that matter. You may wonder what the consequences are for trading with an unregulated binary options trading broker. The list is endless and the conclusion is that your bucks will be much safer in casino than with a bogus broker.

Regulations are meant to provider binary traders with assurance that the broker is in compliance with industry standards in that field, and satisfactory business practices. Illegitimate and non-regulated platforms often entice traders with lucrative bonus offers that come with a hoard of booby traps. Remember the saying, “if something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” in most cases, scam websites are run by entities that will be quick to get your funds, but will delay or refuse for you to withdraw your money. They may even delete your account or charge your credit card with no consent from you whatsoever.

Binary Options Trading ITM – Trade with brokers that are regulated

Watchdog highly recommends traders to trade with brokers that are regulated by the CySEC or other regulatory bodies in their jurisdictions. In whatever the case, try as much to avoid websites like Binary International or any other broker who practices outside industry standards. For this company’s location, WatchDog tracked it down and noted that it is located in Anguilla, in the West Indies. It is operated by a larger entity called NeuroTech, which as it turns out doesn’t do anything related to binary trading, or any form of trading for that matter.

Who is Binary Options Trading ITM ?

So who is Binary Options Trading ITM? also known as Binary Options Trading Signals: ITM Review. After further research, WatchDog discovered that Binary International was possibly run by another company called Binary Options Trading ITM which deals in signals. If you are a potential broker looking to venture into some form of trading with the possibility of generous returns, start off by avoiding this platform, no matter how good their deals sound.

Global Trader 365 operates in a similar manner with an automated trading app that lists it as a binary options company. Unfortunately, this is yet another scam. Such companies will use certain software to prevent you from winning trades or they will simply refuse to make payments. For example, if your trade expires on a winning note at say 10:30, the platform will only close a minute later, which is more than enough time to put you out of the money. At times the expiry will delay so that your predictions get out of the money and you lose your trade.

Vigilance and caution are very important when trading. Take your time to carry out some thorough research before depositing money which you may never see again. And remember that there are many who safely engage binary options trade in Malaysia assuming they trade with a reputable broker.

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Learn to Analyze the Market Like A Pro

Learn to Analyze the Market Like A Pro 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Market analysis is an important part of any trader or investors success plan. It is important that even the most inexperienced of beginners learn to analyze the market like a pro. This can go a long way in the difference between profit and loss as you trade or invest. The aim of course is to ensure a profit at all times or at the very least where possible. Here are some of our best analysis tips:

Be Circumspect

Analyze the Market Like A Pro

Being sober is the first and most important step in practicing good market analysis. Sobriety speaks to remaining grounded and not swept up in scams that if they are too good to be true, usually are. The experienced investor knows that yes there are tricks and tips that can help one maximize profits. However, they also know that this takes a fair amount of skill in knowing what to look for and to some extent great intuition. These investors know that there is no get rich quick way and that beginners can become immediately rich from trading, even if they are met with some successes right off the bat. As such, they take calculated risks, and not poor ones that are simply well-marketed.

Gain Knowledge

It is important that beginner traders or investors become knowledgeable where their respective markets are concerned. This is true whether one is trading binary options, stocks or currencies. While one never stops learning, there are basic patterns in every market that traders can pay attention to in order to maximize profits and minimize losses. As such, inexperienced traders should become familiar with these patterns as best as possible and grow in the knowledge therein. For example, beginners can learn the benefits of conditional offers which is a strategy that can help them keep their winnings and guard against unnecessary loss spurred on by greed or going in for the kill when it is not absolutely necessary. Other factors that traders or investors should become aware of include:

- Learning about groundbreaking or popular trading systems like the Pinocchio candlesticks, and other systems or methods of analysis used in respective markets.

- What to look for when choosing a broker

- The best strategies for entering a trade

- The best strategies for exiting a trade

Finally, as a trader grows in knowledge and expertise, so too will his or her natural instinct and ability to anticipate changes in the markets. When this occurs, it is important that the trader begin to apply all they have learnt. Compare strategies and tactics, keep those that are worthwhile and do away with those that are not of much benefit. This will help you develop your own trading system over time (and learn to analyze the market like a pro), as not every strategy works for everyone.

How to Realize a Scam Broker?

By Guide to Binary Options, November 18, 2017

Although Binary options are a great way for you to earn money, they also leave a lot of space for many scammers and hustlers to take your money.

The internet is so big that you cannot keep track of it and there are a lot of people offering you easy ways to get rich which usually end up being fake. Binary options trading is a business which in some ways offers these dishonest people to fool you and scam you out of your money. But this does not mean that all of the brokers are scammers and that all every binary options broker is a scam waiting to happen.

Believe it or not, there are some legitimate binary option brokers. The difficulty is knowing how to recognize them and how not to be fooled by people who are just in it for your money.

Here are some ways which may help you realize a scam broker opposed to the real ones. Also here is the list of reliable binary option brokers .

Scammers always encourage their clients to invest more . Be on the lookout for the brokers who are pushy and who are encouraging you to invest more because it will pay off more. Deals which look too good to be true often are, and can be in most cases regarded as scams.

When a broker promises you a regular pay off per month and assures you that there are no risks involved . you should immediately cut all ties with this broker. It is impossible to double let alone triple your account balance in a short time and the promises offered are similar to that. Be wary and do not get involved with these brokers.

Whenever a withdrawal takes too long to happen, there is usually something fishy going on. The brokers who delay too much and try to stretch the withdrawal period as long as possible are just doing so to scam you. The regular withdrawal period with regular and honest brokers takes 48 hours. The ones who are honest follow this rule, but whenever the withdrawal of funds starts taking longer than this, there is an illegal note to it. The brokers who have a 7 day waiting period for the withdrawals to go through should not be trusted and you should stay away from them immediately.

Do your research and check for complaints . Whenever you start getting involved with a certain broker considering binary options you should check the number of complaints they gotten. You can do that simply by Googling the broker and check if the number of complaints is big or small. The ones which have a larger number of complaints are often shady characters and can immediately be red-flagged.

Brokers who are unlicensed and not regulated should not be trusted. Brokers can get a license from various agencies and there is no reason to use an unlicensed broker. The agencies licensing brokers make sure that everything goes according to the law and that all transactions are done by the book or legally. That way the traders stay safe while the brokers gain credibility. Brokers who are unlicensed are very often times scammers, but this does not mean that all of them are.

Follow these simple rules and your binary option trades will be safe. We cannot stop the scammers, but we can make their work harder for them and in order to help yourself and everyone else, follow the given rules and stay away from shady brokers .

Porter Finance Review

Porter Finance is one of the more recently launched online and mobile Binary Options Brokers and as we have been actively looking for additional Brokers to showcase to our website visitors we recently put them to the test to see just how good they really are.

Having tested out every aspect of their Brokerage we have to say they flew through our approval process and as such we are happy to present you this review of their service as we just know that whatever it is you are seeking form a Binary Options Broker you will find they offer it!

When you do so you are going to be able to place trades in real time on all open markets but you will be doing so in a no risk environment. That will allow you to get used to the way the trading platform works and operates very quickly but at no risk whilst you are learning how to use it.

Various Banking Options – One aspect that you should be factoring into your trading session is the fees and charges attached to using some selected banking options when you are funding your Binary Options trading account and also when you make a withdrawal from such Brokers.

With this in mind Porter Finance have chosen to put in place a very diverse range of different banking options on their banking interface, and that has allowed them to offer lots of different banking methods that are going to be suitable for traders in many different countries of the world.

Multiple Account Types – There are more than one type of account you can open as a new trader at Porter Finance, for they fully understand there are going to be low volume traders and also traders looking to place some very high volume trades day in and day out via their trading platforms.

Please spend a few minutes viewing the many different account options available at Porter Finance as there is going to be one of those account types that will suit you down to the ground and offer you a range of additional benefits too!

Mobile and Online Trading – If you are linking what you are reading about Porter Finance then one other thing to keep in mind that as soon as you register as one of their new customers then you are going o have two different ways of being able to place your trades.

They offer a highly advanced yet very easy to use online trading platform, however to ensure that you are never going to miss out on being able to place a Binary Options trade whenever you wish to place one your online log in details or their trading platform are also going to allow you to access their mobile trading platform too!

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